Advanced English words that start with "D"

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Вопрос English Ответ English
to drop dead
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to die unexpectedly
We were all having fun and then, out of nowhere, my friend just dropped dead.
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lack of acceptance
My father was in denial when he convinced himself he could fix the lawnmower.
to dread
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to feel scared or worried about doing something or about something that has not happened yet, but might in the future
The dentist's office is a scary place and I dread going there.
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willing to do something
I have said many times that I am disposed to carry out these tasks.
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lacking enough of something
Sleep deprivation is what students go through during exam season.
to delegate
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to give a part of a responsibility to another worker
The manager delegated responsibilities to the supervisors.
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not working properly
Our electronics can easily become defective over time.
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