Word of a day

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nie na miejscu, niestosowny, źle ulokowany
[adjective] - not suitable for a particular situation or directed towards the wrong person
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She realized that her trust in him was misplaced.
niedbały, zaniedbujący obowiązki, niesumienny
[adjective] - not being careful or giving enough attention to people or things that are your responsibility
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The doctor had been negligent in not giving his patient a full examination.
porzekadło, powiedzenie
[noun] - a wise saying
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Remember the old adage "A penny saved is a penny earned."
rozbawienie, wesołość
[noun] - the feeling of being entertained or made to laugh
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Kevin couldn't hide his amusement when he saw Kate's big hat.
pogorszyć się
[verb] - to become worse
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to deteriorate
He was taken into hospital yesterday when his condition suddenly deteriorated.
[verb] - to become a wider or to cause something to become wider
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to broaden
They're preparing a project to broaden the bridge.
napawać się, rozkoszować się czymś
[verb] - to express or feel great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success or good luck or someone else's failure or bad luck
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to gloat
Jessica keeps gloating over her new job.
apodyktyczny, władczy, dominujący
[adjective] - too confident and too determined to tell other people what to do and ignore their opinions and feelings
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She's still learning how to cope with her overbearing boss.
przechowywanie, składowanie, magazynowanie
[noun] - the putting and keeping of things in a special place for use in the future
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We had to move to a house with more storage space.
potwierdzać (ponownie)
[verb] - to formally and officially state something again
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to reaffirm
The government has reaffirmed its commitment to the peace process.

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