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начать обучение
sth you are trying to achieve
to underpin
начать обучение
to support or form the basis of an argument
to conform
начать обучение
to behave and think in the same way as most other people in a group or society; to obey a rule, law
to mourn
начать обучение
to feel and show sadness because sb has died
начать обучение
a shelf above a fireplace
начать обучение
calmness and quietness
начать обучение
an idea or opinion that is formed before you have enough information or experience
начать обучение
not supporting one person or a group more than another
to live up sb's expectations
начать обучение
to be as good as expected
начать обучение
disappointed because the person you admired or idea you believed to be good and true now seems without value
начать обучение
the state of expecting sth to happen and being preparing for it
to tread on sb's toe
начать обучение
to offend sb
начать обучение
looking at and judging things in a fair and open way
начать обучение
slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain, embarassed or unwilling
начать обучение
making sb feel upset and offended
начать обучение
easily upset by criticism or insults
начать обучение
believeing that particular events cannot be explained by reason or science
начать обучение
a state in which 2 people companies are competing for the same thing
начать обучение
not important or serious, not worth considering
to overlap
начать обучение
when 2 things overlap, part of one covers part of the other
to feel crushed
начать обучение
to feel emotionally devastated
начать обучение
the feeling of not being able to believe sth
the publicity
начать обучение
the things that are done to attract attention
press coverage
начать обучение
reports about sth in newspapers and other media
начать обучение
a difficulty or a problem that delays or prevents sth
to falter
начать обучение
to become weaker or less effective
начать обучение
a feelinf of anxiety and worry about a situation or about your life
to plead with sb
начать обучение
to beg sb
начать обучение
refusal of acceptance of sb/sth
freelance work
начать обучение
earning money by selling your services or work to different organisations rather than being employed by a single company
to retract
начать обучение
to say that sth you have said earlier is not true or correct ar that you didn't mean it
a notion
начать обучение
an idea, a belief or an understanding of sth
to stand in for sb
начать обучение
to take sb's place for a short time
начать обучение
not worried or surprised by sth unexpected that happens
начать обучение
done quickly but in a way that is not very well organised
to clock off
начать обучение
to record the time at which you leave work
to stomach
начать обучение
to approve of sth and be able to accept it or enjoy it
to re-structure
начать обучение
to organise sth such as a system or a company in a new and different way
to be reluctant to do sth
начать обучение
unwilling to do sth
начать обучение
loss of one's sense of direction; mental confusion or impaired awareness
mental and physical fatigue
начать обучение
exhaustion that can be triggered by stress, overwork or disease
начать обучение
not large, strong or important enough for a particular purpose
начать обучение
not severe or strong
начать обучение
the process of removing water from a substance or compound
to delude sb/sth into doing sth
начать обучение
to fool someone into thinking sth
mounting evidence
начать обучение
a growing body of evidence
начать обучение
the selling of goods to the public
начать обучение
goods that are bought and sold in a large quantities, especially to make a profit
rigid working hours
начать обучение
not flexible working hours
to take its toll
начать обучение
to cause harm or suffering
начать обучение
quickly and without difficulty
to extend
начать обучение
to make sth larger or longer
at short notice
начать обучение
in a brief time; promptly
to stifle
начать обучение
to prevent sth from happening
to handle sth
начать обучение
to deal with sth
to ram sth home
начать обучение
to emphasize the importance of what you are saying in order to make certain people understand it
начать обучение
a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular way
to prompt
начать обучение
to cause sth to happen
to brave
начать обучение
to have to deal with sth difficult or unpleasant in order to achieve sth
to abolish sth
начать обучение
to end officially
начать обучение
determined not to change your mind or to be persuated
начать обучение
the degree of mental or moral confidence of a person or a group
to sympathise with sb
начать обучение
to feel sorry for sb
staff turnover
начать обучение
a rate at which an employer gains and loses employees
to devise sth
начать обучение
to invent sth new or a new way of doing sth
начать обучение
the rate at which a worker/company/country produces goods, ant the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them
to make sth up
начать обучение
to form sth
начать обучение
having a meaning that is not directly or clearly expressed, or that is not intended
начать обучение
sth that encourages you to do sth
начать обучение
words or actions that are carefully planned to get the advantage of sth
to be on the verge of doing sth
начать обучение
to be at the very beginning of doing sth
начать обучение
a person who doesn't believe that sth good will happen or that is important; a person who believes that other people olny do thing for themselves, rather than for good or sincere reasons
начать обучение
a result that you try to achieve
начать обучение
a list of people's names ant the jobs they have to do at a particular time
начать обучение
the amount of work that has to be done
начать обучение
a quantity of work that should have been done but has not been done yet
to empower
начать обучение
to give sb the power or authority to do sth

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