presentation: cars

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morning everyone. Thanks for comming. Today I'm going to tell you about my passion whichis the car in diffrent line of our history. The purpase of my presentation is to get you familiar with the car history and share my passion with all of you.
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I would like to start with car history. An then more on to about introducion of my favorite brand of cars. Lastly I want to tell you about my favorite model of this brand.
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At the beginning J would like to say something about beginns of automotive. Pioneer in this field was Nicolas Joseph Cougnot. He construct in 1769 year steam powered vehicle. This machine movin at a sped of 4 kilometers per hour. Later foundet many more vehikles. For example...
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I'd like say something more obaut Ford company. Henry ford designed in 1913 year the first moving assembly line. that was revolution in the production proces in Ford's factory. As we all know then no one dreamed about comfortable seats or air condiction in car and othet gadgets which make drive comfortable. Then people who want buy new car from Ford heard... We konow something about car in the past. Now the question is how car will look in the future? Maybe like this?

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