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dejame pasar, se lo ruego
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let me pass, I beg you
que suba el volumen
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turn up the volume
Madre soltera
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Single mother
Se le puede pedir a un depósito cuando se registre.
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You may be asked for a deposit when you register.
Serán los que estan mejor atendidos
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They will be the best served
me ha sido del todo imposible cumplir mi promesa
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it has been completely impossible for me to keep my promise
no tienen culpa de nuestros pecados
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it has been completely impossible for me to keep my promise
que he tomado profundo dolor
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that I have taken deep pain
Ni una palabra! Nunca hablamos más del asunto
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Not a word! We never talk about this issue it anymore
cambiábamos prendas de abrigo por alimentos
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we exchanged warm clothes for food
que no la devuelvan y en paz
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that they do not return it and in peace
se fueron deprisa
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they left quickly
ademas, fueron ellos los que la empezaron
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Also, they were the ones who started it
no digas a nadie que eres bulgara
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do not tell anyone that you are bulgarian
te olvidaste de decirme algo?
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did you forget to tell me something?
no hay prisa
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No hurry
no hay prisa por decírselo a nadie
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there is no rush to tell anyone
encargate de ella
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take care of her
probablemente vedran a buscarla
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they will probably look for her
un mes antes de que mi madre me mandara a Rusia fusilaron a mi padre
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a month before my mother sent me to Russia they shot my father
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they shot
yo de él si que no me acuerdo
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I do not remember him
dejad esas cosas. Todo eso tiene un dueño. Id con los demas.
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put those things down. All this has an owner. Go with the others.
ya habéis oído
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you have already heard
Me alegro de que estás mejor
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I'm glad that you're better
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estas niñas dormirán en este cuarto!
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these girls will sleep in this room!
Y usarán lo que tengan usar!
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And they will use what they have to use!
Me has oído?
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You heard me?
no podemos esperar mas
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We can not wait any longer
Si no nos morimos por el veneno, nos mormiremos de hambre
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If we don't die from the poison, we'll starve to death
No hay más remedio.
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There is no other way.
Cuando llegue el invierno todo comida será poca
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When winter comes all food will be little
me temo que
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i'm afraid that
me temo que el invierno está a punto de llegar
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I'm afraid that winter is about to come
nos hemos decidido demasiado tarde
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we decided too late
no me habéis oído?
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haven't you heard me?
que estáis haciendo?
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what are you doing?
Me puedes explicar qué es lo que está pasando aquí?
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Can you explain to me what is happening here?
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to pray
estamos rezando
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we are praying
por qué preguntas tonterías?
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why do you ask nonsense?
por lo visto
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una vida regalada
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a gifted life
la única
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The only one
la única solución
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the only solution
la única que tiene una casa para ella
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the only one who has a house for her
no me presiones más
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don't pressure me anymore
tú no te metas
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dont get in my problem

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