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typical of or relating to a pirate (= a person who attacks ships in order to steal from them):
He now wore a piratical black eyepatch after an operation. They have failed to prevent the present high level of piratical attacks on seamen
przepaska na oko
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a covering worn over the eye to protect it if it is damaged or sore
odprzysiąc, wypierać się
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to make a serious decision to stop doing something: ABJURE
to forswear all violence. ABJURE
wygadać się, zdradzić się komuś
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let on
But he was the kind of man who would never have let on. He had not even let on that he'd seen a thing. I'm sure he knows more than he is letting on
wtajemniczyć kogoś w coś
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let somebody in on something
He let me in on his project but I had to promise not to tell anyone. I will let you in on our plan.
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Håndkvern er et redskap for med håndmakt å forvandle korn til mel.
He has in his hands, poised and ready, a heavy quern.
poobcinać, obrzynać(gałąź)
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to cut a piece from something with a single quick action:
We’ve got to lop off the lower branches of this tree. The city council lopped thousands of dollars from the budget.
snop (siana), sterta(papierów), wiązka (strzał)
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a number of things, especially pieces of paper or plant stems, that are held or tied together
sheaves of loppings. A lawyer walked in carrying a whole sheaf of papers. The corn was cut and tied in sheaves.
sidła, pułapka
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a device for catching small animals and birds, usually with a rope or wire that tightens around the animal. a trick or situation that deceives you or involves you in some problem that you do not know about:
The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.
jednostronny, dotyczący jednej strony
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involving only one group or country
The party leader has actually declared her support for unilateral nuclear disarmament (= giving up her country's nuclear weapons without first waiting for other countries to do the same).
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with the protection or support of someone or something, especially an organization:
The project was set up under the aegis of the university.
koń (dosiadły), podstawa, usztywnienie (no. pochwy do miecza)
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something, such as a piece of card, that you put something on to show it: a horse
A black mount for this picture would look good. an excellent mount for a child. mount of a scabbard. A metal beam served as the mount of the construction.
równoczesny, zbieżny
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happening or existing at the same time
He’s serving two concurrent 10-year sentences.
jaskrawy, krzykliwy(kolor), wręcz nieprzyjemny
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gaudy, garish
unpleasantly bright in colour or decoration
gaudy plastic flowers. a pair of garish Bermuda shorts
zagroda, obejście
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(especially in Scotland) a very small farm around a house, or the house itself
gate to the croft
rozbieg, wybicie skocznia, podbiec
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take-off, run(-up)
My career is finally taking off! I was panting after I ran up to the bus.
fala sejsmiczna
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seismic wave
In the weeks and months immediately after the speech, my life changed almost seismically.
nie mieścić się w głowie
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go beyond reason
iść siłą rozpędu, osiągnąć bez większego problemu (np. zwycięstwo)
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to progress or succeed without any effort or difficulty. to move down a hill or slope without making any effort:
While I struggled, my sister coasted through school with top grades. They bought a sled for coasting down the snowy slopes. We'll coast this victory, we're the best!
rozrzedzony(o powietrzu), ekskluzywny, odseparowany od reszty świata, elitarny
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being less dense 2 : of, relating to, or interesting to a select group: ESOTERIC 3 : very high
the rarefied atmosphere of academia She moves in rarefied circles. When she was climbing up the mountain, she was trying to adjust to the rarified air. He's always dreamt of joining this rarefied group.
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If someone speaks with a lisp, they pronounce "s" and "z" sounds like "th":
I was teased a lot at school because I spoke with a lisp. He has a slight lisp and is conscious of it.
zniewaga, afront; traktować z góry, zadarty(nos)
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to insult someone by not giving them any attention or treating them as if they are not important: a nose that is short and turns upwards at the end
Lawrence attempted to draw me into conversation, but I snubbed him, and went to another part of the room. think she felt snubbed because Anthony hadn't bothered to introduce himself. I simply didn't recognize her and apparently she took it as a snub.
galopem, z największym pośpiechem
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as fast as possible
They travelled posthaste to Rome to collect the award.
jedyny, samotniczy, odosobniony, pusty, pustelnik
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Winning was their solitary goal. He is a weird solitary. He lived a solitary life at the outskirts of town. This street is completely solitary at this time of day.
łupienie, grabunek, dewastacja
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(an act causing) damage or destruction
The entire area has suffered the depredations of war. Depredation of (= damage done to) the environment is destroying hundreds of species each year.
salceson, tężyzna fizyczna, krzepa
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physical strength and big muscles. meat from the head of a pig, cooked, and pressed into a block(headcheese)
She said she preferred brawn to brains (= a person who is physically attractive rather than an intelligent one).
wyłowić, wydobyć, wyjąć z skądś
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fish out
We fished a rubber boot out of the pond.
He searched the backpack and fished out a torch.
podzwonne, brzmieć (o dzwonie)
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The words were a knell which he had heard before. toll the death knell of the regime
anatema (przeciwieństwo wszystkiego, w co się wierzy), klątwa
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Their political views were anathema to me. They know apartheid is an anathema morally and economically.
świetny, rewelacyjny (slang)
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very good:
She's a mean piano player. She plays a mean piano (= she plays very well). This drink is mean! I want another one!
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He asked if I carried sesame seeds or azuki beans.
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by the skin at the back of the neck
Cats carry their kittens by the scruff of the neck. I took/grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and threw him out of the hall.
kapować, rozumieć
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get the drift
I knew enough to get the drift of what he said.
skończony, określony (forma czasownika, np. w czasie przeszłym)
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complete, done
Some scientists say that the universe is finite in size. This problem has got a finite number of solutions.
opuszczać, wycofać się i oddalić
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pull out
She will pull out the country to seek a better place for herself.
histeria, atak śmiechu
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uncontrolled behaviour or crying, usually caused by extreme fear or sadness:
Convinced the plane was about to crash, many people were sobbing and in hysterics. He was hilarious - he had us all in hysterics.
oparty na domniemaniu
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based on how something seems and not on proof: gjetningsmessig
He uses the words "guess" and "suppose" frequently, showing that the whole argument is purely conjectural. An expert's opinion must not be based upon speculative or conjectural data.
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pelslue med øreklaffer. bjørnefitte
rozpustny, rozwiązły
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dissipated, dissolute
spending too much time enjoying physical pleasures and harmful activities such as drinking a lot of alcohol:
He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars. debauched. He led a dissolute life, drinking, and womanizing till his death.
chwytać, ściskać, trzymać kurczowo; lęg; grupka
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to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain. a small group of eggs produced by the same bird, especially in a nest. a small group of people or things:
She clutched his hand. Silent and pale, she clutched (onto) her mother's hand. Clutching the money to his chest, he hurried to the bank. He collapsed, clutching his stomach. a fresh clutch of students
być w swoim żywiole
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be in one's element
in a place or situation where one is comfortable and does well
At school she was (really) in her element.
przestój, przerwa(w dostawie prądu)
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: a quantity or bulk of something lost in transportation or storage
There were 2,364 customers without power at the height of the outage, the website said.
ostrzał, bombardowanie
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the act of firing shells (= containers full of explosives) at something:
Shelling of enemy lines continued all day. The shelling of some villages was so commonplace that people no longer lived there.
powszechny, pospolity
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happening often or often seen or experienced and so not considered to be special:
Electric cars are increasingly commonplace.
utknąć w czymś(błoto), stanąć (rozmowy)
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Bog down
to prevent someone or something from moving on or progressing:
He's a big-picture leader and doesn't get bogged down in the details.
być wbrew naturze (kogoś), robić coś wbrew własnej woli
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go against the grain
different from what is normal or usual
It takes courage to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe in.
zajmować się (sprawą, gośćmi) ustosunkować się, rozważyć; podejmować (np. gości
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to keep, hold, or maintain in the mind. to receive and take into consideration
Not one would even entertain the idea of taking the job. entertain grave doubts about her sincerity. refused to entertain our plea
dojść do siebie
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come to oneself
nakładać jeden na drugi; przesycać, obciążać
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to put especially a picture, words, etc. on top of something else, especially another picture, words, etc., so that what is in the lower position can still be seen, heard, etc
The book cover had a picture of a dove superimposed on a battle scene. His passions are superimposed onto his art.
słuchawka prysznicowa
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strefa ograniczonej prędkości
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speed zone
napowietrzyć, spulchnic
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to allow air to act on something. to add a gas to liquid, especially a drink
Earthworms help to aerate the soil. aerated soil. aerated water.
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wydłużenie, (no. samogłoski)
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The tunes have a graceful sense of elongation, as if they could last all night.
dziwny, osobliwy, niestosowny, nie na miejscu
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the fact that something is incongruous. unusual or different from what is around or from what is generally happening amiss graceless improper inappropriate
The new computer looked incongruous in the dark book-filled library. It seems incongruous to have a woman as the editor of a men's magazine. The incongruity of her behaviour struck me. There is incongruity between what she promises and what she does.
dostać cęgi, manto
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get licked
to defeat easily in a competition, fight
"I guess each and every one of us has our own way of reacting when we get licked," he said. We'll lick the other teams.
zatrzasnąć, trzask; ochrzan, oczerniać, rzucać (słuchawkę telefonu), ciskać z dużą siłą (coś
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She slammed the phone down in anger. Some days, you go into work and just get slammed. What is this slam for? I didn't do anything! The first thing she heard was the slam of the door.
egzamin poprawkowy, zdawać ponownie, poprawkowy
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to resit
to take an exam again, usually because you failed or did not do well the first time: an exam that someone takes again, usually because they failed or did not do well the first time:
If you fail these exams, you can resit them next year. People have to think hard about why they want to resit. She's got to do resits in French and German.
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forswearer, oathbreaker
Seething with hatred, Brynhild addresses him as, "cruel forswearer," and curses both him and Gudrun to an early death.

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