economics and business

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money set aside to provide income for people when they are retired
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pension funds
go bunkrupt
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go burst
perriod of economic decline
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recession, slump, downturn
economic situation where banks stop lending
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credit crunch
become nervous
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get jumpy
continue paying off a loan
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keep up repayments
worsening uncontrollably
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in free- fall
in a depressed state
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in a mass
increase at a worrying speed
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go up at an alarming rate
control sth tightly
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keep a check on
pay for sth by borrowing money
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finance their college fees through debt
kupiec detaliczny
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increase slowly
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inch up
still in danger
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not out of the woods
reduce expenditure to a minimum
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cut sb spending to the bone
make sth last longer
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eke out
both an advantage and a disadvantage
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a double edge sword

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