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tomate rallado
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grated tomato
pan caseros
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homemade bread
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te das cuenta de mi mala suerte?
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do you realize my bad luck?
no has sido muy simpatico
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you haven't been very nice
normalmente tomaba mate por la mañana
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I usually drank mate in the morning
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Buscar y encontrar todas las palabras escondidas en la red
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Search and find all the words hidden in the network
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face them
Debes afrontar tus miedos
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You should face your fears
a lo mejor
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A lo mejor me puedo quedar con mi amiga cuando visite Chicago
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Maybe I can stay with my friend when I visit Chicago.
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profitable / useful
Creo que podríamos tener un muy provechoso futuro juntos
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I think we could have a very profitable future together.
Usted nadar en el océano profundo y tratar de sobrevivir
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You swim in the deep ocean and try to survive
Se espera que se trate con respeto a la gente mayor.
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Older people are expected to be treated with respect.
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Marie por una semana amanecer y atardecer en Sault Ste.
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Marie for a week sunrise and sunset in Sault Ste.
Porque vale la pena
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Because it's worth it
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far away
Un plan para mantener a Mona alejada de mis amigos.
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A plan to keep Mona away from my friends.
te molesta bastante?
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does it bother you enough?
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get used to it
Acostumbro comprar el periódico todos los días.
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I usually buy the newspaper every day.
Antes de sacar la planta de la maceta, debes acostumbrarla al lugar donde se va a plantar.
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Before taking the plant out of the pot, you must get it used to the place where it is going to be planted.
sin darte cuenta
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without realizing it
cuando tengas más confianza
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when you are more confident
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Pedir un deseo
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Make a wish
yo estoy harta
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I'm fed up
Si estás tan harta, entonces ¿por qué no me dejas?
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If you're so fed up, then why don't you leave me?
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no me la pidas
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don't ask me
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la víspera
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the christmas eve

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