Modulo 11 - Unit 9 - Let’s hit the road

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is a noun which refers to the distance travelled and in one direction only.
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Let's go on a journey!
is a noun which refers to travel for a short duration, normally with a precise objective, e.g. for business. It includes the notion of there and back.
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Let's go on a journey!
is a verb to talk about going from one place to another.
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Let's go on a journey!
(uncountable) is a general term used to describe going from one place to another.
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Let's go on a journey!
is a noun which refers to travel by sea or in space.
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Let's go on a journey!
Registrate en linea
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check in online
sala de espera (avión)
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departure lounge
tren eurostar
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eurostar train
viaje en carretera
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road trip
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start a trip
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set off
It's time to set off.
tomar la carretera (golpear la carretera)
begin a journey
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hit the road
quitarse, despegar
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take off
con destino a
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bound for
Me dirijo a París
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I'm bound for Paris
a punto de
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about to
Estoy a punto de registrarme para mi vuelo
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I'm about to check in for my flight
maletero (UK/USA)
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boot - trunk
gasolinera (UK/USA)
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petrol station - gas station
vacaciones (UK/USA)
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holiday - vacations
equipaje (UK/USA)
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luggage - baggage
autopista (UK/USA)
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motorway - highway
atasco de tráfico (UK/USA)
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traffic jam - tailback
debido a
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due to / owing to
el viaje amplía / abre la mente
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travel broadens / opens the mind
viajar amplía / expande tus horizontes
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travel broadens / expands your horizons
hit someone with a car
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run over
return in the same direction
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turn back
I came back home before you.
perder una oportunidad
lose an opportnity
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miss out
Es como vivir en un capullo
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It is like living in a cocoon
comprenderte mejor
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understand yourself better
entender el mundo que te rodea
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understand the world around you
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olvidarse de sus problemas
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to forget about their problems
Experimenta diferentes culturas
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experience different cultures
Son como una mariposa que expande sus alas
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They are like a butterfly expanding its wings
El destino de nuestro viaje es el sur de Italia.
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we arrive at our destination,
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vuelos de larga distancia
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long-haul flights
only work on long-haul fl ights
carros de comida y bebida (vuelo)
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food and beverage trolleys
the food and beverage trolleys you have to push around often weigh up to 100 kilos.
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My airline always puts cabin crew and pilots up in the same hotel for stopovers
pista (aterrizaje o despegue de un avión)
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descompensación horaria
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jet lag
you are often exhausted from jet lag.
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we would be responsible for evacuating the 500 or more passengers
catering a bordo
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on-board catering
poor diet of processed food from the on-board catering.
PV: escapar, salir
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get away
I try to get away for a short break somewhere beautiful as often as I can
PV: pernoctar, pasar la noche, hacer escala
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stop over
we always stop over for at least 48 hours
PV: recoger, coger
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pick up
we are always picked up by an airline vehicle
PV: dejar, entregar
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drop off
safely dropped off at the hotel.
PV: Hospedar, poner
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put up
My airline always puts cabin crew and pilots up in the same hotel for stopovers
Trenes-cama (trenes durmientes)
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sleeper trains
a train you can sleep on
litera / amarre
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the place you sleep in a train or ship
literas /camarotes
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bunk beds
beds on top of one another
No tienen qué pagar una tarifa fija cada mes, porque los ingresos que tienen no son uniformes.
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the price of a train journey
plataforma, andén
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where you get on and off a train
las horas punta
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peak times
the busiest and most popular travelling times
número de vuelo
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flight number
puerta de salida
Ir a la puerta de salida nº 5.
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departure gate
Go to departure gate no. 5.
Tiempo de abordar (de entrar al avión)
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boarding time
número de asiento
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seat number
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suntan (n)
tourists only seem interested in a suntan and cheaper prices than at home
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Salir a la carretera (golpear el camino abierto)
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hit the open road
mods y rockeros
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mods and rockers
sensación de libertad
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sense of freedom
joyas escondidas
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hidden gems
campos de batalla
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importante centro de viajes
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major travel hub

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