Italian Words: Top 500 Verbs
Speak Italian with confidence!
500 most important Italian verbs 1 - 25 25 карточки | 500 most important Italian verbs 26 - 50 25 карточки | 500 most important Italian verbs 51 - 75 25 карточки | |||
500 most important Italian verbs 76 - 100 25 карточки | 500 most important Italian verbs 101 - 125 25 карточки | 500 most important Italian verbs 126 - 150 25 карточки | |||
500 most important Italian verbs 151 - 175 25 карточки | 500 most important Italian verbs 176 - 200 25 карточки | Показать все уроки (20) |
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Marcin Młodzki, członek zarządu(Warszawa, 1. października 2018)
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VocApp Sp. z o.o.ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa
NIP: 951 245 79 19
REGON: 369727696
Italian Words: Top 1000 Italian NounsItalian Words: Top 500 VerbsItalian Words: Top 300 AdjectivesEveryday phrases in ItalianItalian in 1 dayItalian: day 2Italian for travellingBusiness ItalianItalian cultureItalian for childrenSmall talk in ItalianRoman SlangItalian menuCELI 2 - Everyday vocabularyBusiness Italian - PresentationsCELI 3 - Italian for universityMedical ItalianBusiness Italian - IT
Why should you learn Italian verbs?
The importance of the verbs in learning Italian is incontestable. "I a delicious cake today." Something missing, right? That's it! Verbs are crucial when forming a sentence, they describe motion and action and without them, it doesn't even make sense. They can even form a sentence by themselves: "Run!". That's why it's important to know some Italian verbs when starting a conversation or forming a sentence in Italian and that's why are we here for you - to offer the best resources to learn Italian online!
Learning Italian verbs is fun and easy with VocApp!
VocApp prepared a list of the most common Italian verbs that are must-haves when it comes to this language. They will visibly increase your level of Italian and will make expressing yourself easier. Each word of the basic Italian verb list is represented by a colourful flashcard, the Italian to English translation, a sentence for you to understand basic Italian grammar and many more key elements that guarantee you understand the meaning of the Italian verbs and will be able to use it. Hint: you can download the course as an MP3 file and use it as Italian audio lessons :)
Learn Italian online with VocApp!
There are many more online Italian courses we can propose to you! The Italian Words: Top 1000 Nouns course was created for you to master the Italian nouns, while the Italian Words: Top 300 Adjectives course is perfect for those who want to learn some of the most common Italian adjectives. Our professional linguists chose the most common Italian words and created the best resources you can use to learn Italian! We advise you to finish this Italian verbs course and proceed to the next one and so on! With a bit of effort and at least 5 minutes of learning a day, your goal to learn Italian will be achieved and you will impress others with your brand new knowledge level! Want to speak like a real Italiano? Start learning Italian words right now!