French alcoholic drinks - les boissons alcoolisées en français

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French alcoholic drinks
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les boissons alcoolisées en français
spirits, alcohols
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les boissons (f) alcoolisées
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l'alcool (m)
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le whisky
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la vodka / l'eau-de-vie (f)
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le rhum
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le cognac
cherry brandy
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le kirsch
apple brandy
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le calvados
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le gin
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le cidre
tonic water
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le tonic
soda water
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le soda
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la liqueur
cassis cream (liqueur)
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la Crème de Cassis
pastis (anise-flavored apéritif)
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le pastis
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le champagne
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le vin
white wine
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le vin blanc
red wine
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le vin rouge
dry wine
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le vin sec
sweet wine
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le vin doux
sparkling wine
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le vin mousseux
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la bière
bottled beer
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la bière en bouteille
beer bottle
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la bouteille à bière
canned beer
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la bière en boîte
draught beer / beer on tap
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la bière pression
ginger beer
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la bière de gingembre
before-dinner drink
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l’apéritif (m)
after-dinner drink
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le digestif
"la fée verte" (the green fairy), a highly-alcoholic, green, bitter, anise-flavoured liqueur prepared from absinthe (wormwood), green anise, sweet fennel and other herbs
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l’Absinthe (f)
the famous red wine produced in the Beaujolais region of France. It is the most popular “vin de primeur” (a French wine which may be sold in the same year in which it was harvested) fermented for just a few weeks before being released for sale on the third Thursday of November
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le Beaujolais Nouveau
"controlled designation of origin", a French term for a certification granted to certain wine regions (also cheeses, butters, and other agricultural products)
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AOC, Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée
Cheers! / To your health!
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À la votre (santé)!

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