Top 500 galician verbs 151 - 200

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Вопрос Ответ
to get divorced
I believe my parents will never get divorced.
начать обучение
Creo que os meus pais nunca se divorciarán.
to ensure
We ensure a wide variety of attractions.
начать обучение
Aseguramos unha gran variedade de atraccións.
to be thirsty
I'm so thirsty I could drink five liters of water!
начать обучение
ter sede
Estou tan sedento que podía beber cinco litros de auga!
to confirm
I'd like to confirm my reservation for tonight.
начать обучение
Quere confirmar a miña reserva para esta noite.
to taste
Taste the gnocchi, they're delicious.
начать обучение
Proba os gnocchi, son deliciosos.
to tighten
The tailor tightened my trousers.
начать обучение
O sastre apretou os meus pantalóns.
to please
It will please us to see you again.
начать обучение
Complacerános verte de novo.
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