Top 500 galician verbs 101 - 150

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Вопрос Ответ
to bring
Why do you never bring your girlfriend?
начать обучение
Por que nunca traes a tua noiva?
to record
Our conversation will be recorded.
начать обучение
Grabarase a nosa conversa.
to join
I would like to join your group.
начать обучение
Quería unirme ao voso grupo.
to turn on
Anne, turn on the light!
начать обучение
Anne, encende a luz!
to get bored
I'm bored.
начать обучение
Estou aburrido.
to discuss
We have a problem to discuss.
начать обучение
Temos un problema que discutir.
to seduce
I'm sure he wants to seduce your mother.
начать обучение
Estou seguro de que el quere seducir á túa nai.
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