Top 500 Englesch Verben 51 - 100

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Вопрос Ответ
Ech wäert 12 Stonne schlofen.
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to sleep
I'm going to sleep for 12 hours.
laanscht kommen
Hien ass laanscht komm fir e Kaffi.
начать обучение
to stop by
He stopped by for a coffee.
D'Bomm ass virun dräi Deeg explodéiert.
начать обучение
to explode
The bomb exploded three days ago.
Den Antoine sicht no enger fester Aarbechtsplaz.
начать обучение
to look for
och: to search
Antoine is looking for a permanent job.
Ech muss fréi opstoen.
начать обучение
to get up
I have to get up early.
Firwat ënnerbréchs du mech?
начать обучение
to interrupt
Why are you interrupting me?
Du sollts deng Elteren méi respektéieren.
начать обучение
to respect
You should respect your parents more.
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