To be, to have, to go - Ser, tenir, anar

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Вопрос Ответ
she is
She is the owner of the place.
начать обучение
ella és
Ella és la propietària del lloc.
he goes
He goes to school at 8 a.m.
начать обучение
ell va
Va a l´escola a les 8 del matí.
it goes
This bus goes towards the centre.
начать обучение
això va
Aquest autobús va cap al centre.
they are
They are my parents.
начать обучение
ells són
Són els meus pares.
we have
We have enough money.
начать обучение
nosaltres tenim
Tenim diners suficients.
they have
They have a problem, we should help them.
начать обучение
ells tenen
Tenen un problema, els hem d´ajudar.
you are
You are such good students!
начать обучение
vosaltres sou
Sou uns bons estudiants!
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"Catalan: day 2"
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