Random words 6

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Recycling Bin
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el cubo para reciclar
most impressive
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lo más impresionante
in fact
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de hecho
at least
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начать обучение
el aviso
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Go to the checkout, please
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Vaya a la caja, por favor
Get up!
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against all odds.
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contra viento y marea.
surpasses all imagination
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supera toda imaginación
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sin embargo
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aunque / a pesar de que
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At first sight
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a simple vista
The boys will go with us.
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Los chicos irán con nosotras.
buttered toast
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la tostada con mantequilla
the second left
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la segunda a la izquierda
Love is divine
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El amor es divino
Now we need to move the table and chairs to the kitchen, and then I can unpack the dishes and kitchen utensils.
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Ahora necesitamos mover la mesa y las sillas a la cocina, y entonces yo puedo desempacar los platos y los utensilios de cocina.
Do you have any plans after work today?
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¿Tienes unos planes después del trabajo hoy?
We cook paella for special occasions.
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Nosotros cocinamos paella para ocasiones especiales.
Set the table!
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¡A poner la mesa!
What are the ingredients?
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¿Qué ingredientes tiene?
Yes, it is all. Thanks for your help.
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Sí, es todo. Gracias por tu ayuda.
What time do you need to wake up tomorrow?
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¿A qué hora necesitas despertarte mañana?

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