PIMSLEUR Lesson 7, 8 and 9

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A que hora almuerza?.
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At what time do you have lunch?. At what time do you have lunch?.
Porque no viene al mediodia?.
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Why don't you come at noon?. Why don't you come at noon?.
Venga al mediodia.
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Come at noon. Come at noon.
Entonces tenemos mucho tiempo.
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Then we have a lot of time. Then we have a lot of time.
Lo siento por estar retrasado. -- (Lo siento estoy tarde).
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I'm sorry I'm late. I'm sorry I'm late.
Eso no importa.
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That doesn't matter. That doesn't matter.
Vinó en autobus?.
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Did you come by bus?. Did you come by bus?.
Vinó en autobus, verdad?. -- (Vinó en autobus, no hizo usted?).?.
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You came by bus, didn't you?. You came by bus, didn't you?.
Si, vine en autobus.
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Yes, I came by bus. Yes, I came by bus.
El autobus estaba tarde esta mañana.
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The bus was late this morning. The bus was late this morning.
Todavia tenemos tiempo para nuestra reunión.
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We still have time for our meeting. We still have time for our meeting.
Y para almorzar. -- (y para lonche).
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And for lunch. And for lunch.
Usted fue a Boston la semana pasada, verdad?. -- (Usted fue a Boston la semana pasada, no hizo usted?).
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You went to Boston last week, didn't you?. You went to Boston last week, didn't you?.
Mi hijo vive ahí.
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My son lives there.
Que hace el domingo?. — (Que esta haciendo el Domingo?).
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What are you doing on Sunday?. What are you doing on Sunday?.
Le gustaria venir para un cafe?.
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Would you like to come for coffee?. Would you like to come for coffee?.
En la tarde?.
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In the afternoon?.
Otro amigo nuestro viene también.
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Another friend of ours is coming too. Another friend of ours is coming too.
Para llegar a nuestra casa. -- (Para llegar a nuestro lugar)...
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To get to our place. To get to our place.
Vaya a la Avenida Parque.
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Go to Park Avenue. Go to Park Avenue.
Luego tome la primera a la izquierda.
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Then take the first left. Then take the first left.
Vivimos en el numero 120 de la Avenida Parque.
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We live at 1 20 Park Avenue. We live at 1 20 Park Avenue.
Vinó en taxi, no?. -- (Vino en taxi, no hizo usted?).
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You came by taxi, didn't you?. You came by taxi, didn't you?.
Viné en autobus.
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I came by bus. I came by bus.
Yo compré algo de agua mineral.
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I bought some mineral water. I bought some mineral water.
Quisiera algo de agua mineral y luego una copa de vino por favor.
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I would like some mineral water and then a glass of wine please. I would like some mineral water and then a glass of wine please.
Ella siempre ha querido ser maestra.
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She's always wanted to be a teacher. She's always wanted to be a teacher.
Que estan haciendo sus hijos ahora.
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What are your children doing now?. What are your children doing now?.
Ella juega bastante bien. -- (Ella juega bonita bien).
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She plays pretty well. She plays pretty well.
Pero su cuarto no está listo todavía.
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But your room is not ready yet. But your room is not ready yet.
Pero no esta listo todavia.
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But it's not ready yet. But it's not ready yet.
Si, mi equipaje está en mi coche.
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Yes, my luggage is in my car. Yes, my luggage is in my car.
Porque no va por su equipaje?. -- (Porque no va a conseguir su equipaje?).
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Why don't you get your luggage?. Why don't you get your luggage?.
Mi hija mayor es gerente en un banco.
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My older daughter is a bank manager. My older daughter is a bank manager.
La menor está todavía en la universidad.
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The younger one is still in college. The younger one is still in college.
Qué hace él?.
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What does he do ?. What does he do ?.
Que hace su hijo?.
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What does your son do?. What does your son do?.
Qué va hacer su hijo este verano?.
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What will your child do this summer?. What will your child do this summer?.
Hice reservaciones.
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I made reservations. I made reservations.
Perdón pero tengo que irme ahora. -- (Perdón pero tengo que liviar ahora).
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I'm sorry, but I have to leave now. I'm sorry, but I have to leave now.
Esta todo listo?.
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Is everything ready?. Is everything ready?.
Esta todo listo para la conferencia?.
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Is everything ready for the conference?. Is everything ready for the conference?.
Perdón, que dijó?.
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I'm sorry, what did you say?. I'm sorry, what did you say?.
Dije que creo que todo está listo.
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I said that I think everything is ready. I said that I think everything is ready.
Reserve los cuartos.
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I reserved the rooms. I reserved the rooms.
Tengo mis apuntes.
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I have my notes. I have my notes.
El lunes por la mañana todo estara listo.
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On Monday morning, everything will be ready. On Monday morning, everything will be ready.
Estara nuestro nuevo cliente ahí?.
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Will our new client be there?. Will our new client be there?.
Desafortunadamente ella estara en Texas la semana próxima.
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Unfortunately She will be in Texas next week. Unfortunately She will be in Texas next week.
Que lastima. -- (Eso es demasiado malo).
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That's too bad. That's too bad.
Que lastima, que pena. -- (Que pitido, que chema).
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What a pity!. What a shame!. What a pity!. What a shame!.
Debemos cambiar la fecha?.
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Should we change the date?. Should we change the date?.
Debemos cambiar la fecha de la conferencia?.
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Should we change the date of the conference?. Should we change the date of the conference?.
Es demasiado tarde para cambiar la fecha ahora.
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It's too late to change the date now. It's too late to change the date now.
Entonces alomejor podamos hacer una llamada de conferencia.
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Then maybe we can have a conference call. Then maybe we can have a conference call.
Has visto mis llaves del coche?.
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Have you seen my car keys?. Have you seen my car keys?.
Le hice una pregunta. - (Le pregunte una pregunta).
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I asked you a question. I asked you a question.
Que si ha visto mis llaves del coche.
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that If you've seen my car keys. that If you've seen my car keys.
A el siempre le han gustado las computadoras.
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He's always liked computers. He's always liked computers.
A el siempre le han gustado los carros.
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He's always liked cars. He's always liked cars.
A ella siempre le han gustado los vestidos.
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She's always liked dresses. She's always liked dresses.
Era una mujer?.
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Was it a woman?. Was it a woman?.
Hace demasiado frio para sentarse afuera.
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it's too cold to sit outside. it's too cold to sit outside.
Quedémonos aqui en la cocina, quedemonos aqui.
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Let's stay here in the kitchen. Let's stay here. Let's stay here in the kitchen. Let's stay here.
De acuerdo, voy por su coca cola.
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Ok, I'll get your coke. Ok, I'll get your coke.
Me gustaría preguntarle algo.
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I'd like you to ask you something. I'd like you to ask you something.
Es muy dificil encontrar un trabajo en México?.
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Is it very difficult to find a job in Mexico?. Is it very difficult to find a job in Mexico?.
Oh, esa es una buena pregunta.
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Oh that's a good question. Oh that's a good question.
Si, a hora mismo es dificil.
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Yes Right now it's difficult. Yes Right now it's difficult.
Porque preguntas?. -- (Porque preguntaste)?.
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Why did you ask?. Why did you ask?.
Mi sobrina le gustaría pasar el verano ahí.
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My niece would like to spend the summer there. My niece would like to spend the summer there.
Ella Habla español bastante bien. -- (Ella Habla español bonito bien).
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She speaks Spanish pretty well. She speaks Spanish pretty well.
Y a ella le gustaría pasar el verano en México.
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And she'd like to spend the summer in Mexico. And she'd like to spend the summer in Mexico.
Bueno, si no puede encontrar trabajo.
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Well, if she can't find a job. Well, if she can't find a job.
Entonces ella puede quedarse.
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Then maybe she can stay. Then maybe she can stay.
Con mi esposa y conmigo.
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With my wife and me. With my wife and me.
Acabamos de comprar un condominio nuevo.
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We just bought a new condo. We just bought a new condo.
Ella se puede quedar con nosotros.
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She can stay with us.
Oh eso es muy amable de su parte. -- (Oh eso es muy chido de usted).
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Oh, that's very nice of you. Oh, that's very nice of you.
Pablo se casó A su novia de la secundaria.
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Paul got married to his high school girlfriend. Paul got married to his high school girlfriend.
Casarse con alguien.
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to get married to someone. to get married to someone.
Pero no recuerdo quien era.
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but I don't remember who it was. but I don't remember who it was.
Estoy muy sediento.
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I'm really thirsty. I'm really thirsty.
Me gustaria una cerveza si usted tiene una.
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I'd like a beer, if you have one.
Como esta su hermano?.
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How's your brother?. How's your brother?.
Que está haciendo el ahora?.
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What's he doing now?. What's he doing now?.
Él es ingeniero y está viviendo en San Francisco con su novia.
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He's an engineer, and he's living in San Francisco with his girlfriend. He's an engineer, and he's living in San Francisco with his girlfriend.
Es muy dificil encontrar un apartamento en Nueva York?.
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Is it very difficult to find an apartment in New York?. Is it very difficult to find an apartment in New York?.
Puede ser dificil porque?.
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It can be difficult, why?. It can be difficult, why?.
A el le gustaria pasar el verano aquí.
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He'd like to spend the summer here. He'd like to spend the summer here.
Es demasiado caro - - - - - quedarse en un hotel.
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It's too expensive - - - - - - - to stay in a hotel.
Tengo una reunión importante esta noche.
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I have an important meeting tonight. I have an important meeting tonight.
Y no estoy listo todavia.
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and I'm not ready yet. and I'm not ready yet.
Tengo una reunión importante esta noche y no estoy listo todavía.
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I have an important meeting tonight and I'm not ready yet. I have an important meeting tonight and I'm not ready yet.
Estar o ponerse hasta la madre de borracho.
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to get hammer, or to be hammer. to get hammer, or to be hammer.
Edgar y Elías se pusieron hasta la madre de pedos ayer en el restaurant.
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Edgar and Elias got hammered at the restaurant yesterday. Edgar and Elias got hammered at the restaurant yesterday.
En el peor de los casos. -- Sobre el peor caso ecenario).
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On the worst case scenario. On the worst case scenario.
Estas sola?.
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Are you on your own?. Are you on your own?.
Si hubieras insistido.
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if you had insisted. if you had insisted. if you had insisted.
Ella habria estado de acuerdo.
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She would have agreed. She would have agreed. She would have agreed.
Ella habria estado de acuerdo si hubieras insistido.
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She would have agreed if you had insisted. She would have agreed if you had insisted. She would have agreed if you had insisted.
Hay cafe en la cocina.
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There is coffee in the kitchen. There is coffee in the kitchen.
Hay algo de cafe en la cocina.
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There's some coffee in the kitchen. There's some coffee in the kitchen.
Podemos tomar un cafe. -- (Podemos tomar algo de un cafe).
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We can have some coffee. We can have some coffee.
Preferiria tomar una coca cola?.
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Would you rather have a coke?. Would you rather have a coke?.
Si, gracias, me gustaria una coca.
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Yes, thanks, I'd like a coke.
Que te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?.
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What do you like to do in your leisure time?. What do you like to do in your leisure time?.
Usted vendrá en autobus, no?. -- (Usted vendrá en autobus, no hara usted?).
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You'll come by bus, won't you?. You'll come by bus, won't you?.
Usted viene en taxi, no?. -- (Usted viene en taxi, no hace usted?).
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Yo come by taxi, don't you?. Yo come by taxi, don't you?.

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