словарь английский - английский

English - English

bush на английском языке:

1. u u

u for union
The Esperanto alphabet has 28 letters: a, b, c, ĉ, d, e, f, g, ĝ, h, ĥ, i, j, ĵ, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, ŝ, t, u, ŭ, v, z.
They were delegates from India to the U. N.
The U. N. moved to impose sanctions.
Japan stood with the United States at the U. N. Assembly.
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.

Английский слово "bush«(u) встречается в наборах:

short and long vowels

2. parts of a country's territory where very few people live parts of a country's territory where very few people live

Английский слово "bush«(parts of a country's territory where very few people live) встречается в наборах:

Advanced English words that start with "B"