Weather, climate and natural disasters - Meteo, clima e disastri naturali

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wet season
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la stagione umida
Because of the drought, many plants I had in my garden died.
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la siccità
A causa della siccità, molte piante che avevo nell'orto sono morte.
My house was damaged by the flood.
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La mia casa ha subito dei danni a causa dell'alluvione.
After the earthquake, a tsunami came.
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lo tsunami
Dopo il terremoto, è arrivato uno tsunami.
The tree was struck by lightning.
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il fulmine
L'albero venne colpito da un fulmine.
tropical climate
In areas where there is tropical climate are characterized by an infinite constancy of the day.
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il clima tropicale
Nelle zone in cui c'è il clima tropicale sono caratterizzate da una perenne costanza della giornata.
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