Verbos irregulares 5 - Irregular verbs 5

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¿Por qué tienes el tobillo hinchado?
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swell - swelled - swollen
Why is your ankle swollen?
Ella juró no volver a escribirle.
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swear - swore - sworn
She swore never to write him again.
¿Podría deletrear su apellido, por favor?
начать обучение
spell - spelt - spelt
Could you spell your surname please?
Barrió todas las hojas secas en un montón.
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sweep - swept - swept
She swept all the dead leaves into a heap.
Los juguetes del bebé estaban esparcidos por todo el suelo.
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strew - strewed - strewn
The baby's toys were strewn all over the floor.
llevar puesto
Llevé este par de jeans durante toda la secundaria.
начать обучение
wear - wore - worn
I wore this pair of jeans all through high school.
Ojalá te hubieras tomado las fotos para que me las mostraras.
начать обучение
take - took - taken
I wish you had taken the photos with you to show them to me.
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