Unit 9

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crime fiction
favorite genre is crime fiction. I love trying to guess who is guilty before the detective
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My uncle is the editor of the local newspaper, and sometimes he writes articles to
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Powieść graficzna
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Graphic novel
Fikcja historyczna
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Historical fiction
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romans / powieść romantyczna
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romantic novel
science fiction
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science fiction
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wspom iec, nawiazac do czegos
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bring up
I am not sure if now is the right time to bring this up, but have you thought any more about our holiday?
przekartkować, szubko orzejrzec
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flick through
Look at But not read in detail
hi Sheperd, through your report but I will study it in detail later
wytlumaczyc, przegadac
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get across
Explain, communicate
we need to get a across The idea that this product is the best.
mowic wiecej niz potrzeba co jest nudne
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go on
talk more than is necessary and become boring
I love my grandmother very much, but she does go on
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put forward
some of the students have put forward the idea of trip to the castle
dowiedziec sue szczegolow o czhms przez zrobienie research
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read up about
Go to detect information about something by doing research
I read up about the author before I went to hear him rate extract from his new novel
wyjasnic cos bardzo dokladnie z detalami
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spell out
Explain something very clearly and in detail
I know it’s not difficult, but I am going to spell it out very clearly so I’m sure you have understood
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talk through
Discuss something for example, a problem or an idea
Let’s sit down and talk it through. I am sure there is a solution.
powiedziec czesc dobranoc do widzenia
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say hello / goodbye / goodnight
Dang your cousins are going now so come and say goodbye
powiedzieć przepraszam
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say sorry
mówić przeciw / na korzyść czegoś
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speak against / in favour of sth
Some people at the meeting spoke against the proposals
mów za siebie
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speak for yourself
mówić dobrze / wysoko o kimś
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speak well/highly of sb
mowic to co masz na mysli
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speak your mind
Powiedz kawał
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tell a joke
mowic klamstwo /prawde
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tell a lie / the truth
opowiadać historię
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tell a story
powiedzieć komuś sekret
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tell sb a secret
powiedziec roznice miedzy rzeczami
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Tell the difference between things
mówić, która jest godzina
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tell the time

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