Unit 1

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in a live performance, is one in which the entertainer performs in front of people who are watching, rather than for a film, record etc.
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a performance by a musician or a group of musicians playing modern popular music or jazz
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someone who likes a particular sport or performing art very much
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a particular thing or person is the one that you are talking about, and not any other
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electronic machine that stores information and uses programs to help you find, organise, or change the information
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a compact disc that stores a large amount of information, sound, pictures and video
have friends round
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if you have someone round, they come to your house for meal, drink etc. because you have invited them
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a stringed musical instrument that you play by pulling the strings with your fingers or with a pick
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a building or place with a stage where plays and shows are performed
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a system of exercises that helps you control your mind and body in order to relax
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to rest or do something that is enjoyable, especially after you have been working
close (adj)
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if two people are close, they like or love each other very much
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if something tends to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again
switch off
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to relax for a short time
bring up
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to look after and influence a child until they are grown up
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something that you do because you enjoy it
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to change something to make it different
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a particular group of people within a society, and their particular behaviour, beliefs, and activities
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having similar interests and opinions
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to develop a special relationship with someone
on its way out
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soon to be replaced by someone or something else
average (adj)
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having qualities that are typical of most people
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something that you feel or do because of something that has happened or been said
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an opinion that you have about someone or something because of the way they seem
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the things that a person or animal does
base something on
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to develop something from something else
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a member of a tribe of young people in Britain in the 1960s who wore a particular type of neat clothes, listened to soul music, and drove scooters
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thinking a lot about or concerned about the way you look
roam around
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to walk or travel with no clear purpose or direction
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a type of small, less powerful motorcycle
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going past a place or person
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a member of a tribe of young people in Britain in the 1960s who wore leather jackets, listened to rock 'n' roll and rode motorcycles
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to recognise and correctly name someone or something
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to put oil on your hair to make it stay in place
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someone who likes punk music and wears punk things, such as torn clothes, metal chains, and coloured hair
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to deliberately frighten people by threatening to harm them
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come across
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someone who seems to have particular qualities
be associated with
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to be related to a particular subject, activity etc.
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belonging or relating to a particular society or social group, and its way of life
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a social group of people with the same interests
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not strictly controlled or organised
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including many different kinds of things or people
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if you access something you can obtain or reach it
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if you stream sound or video, you access it on your computer while it's being transferred from the internet, rather than downloading it and then playing it
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if you download sound or video, you to move them from a computer network to a personal computer
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find out about
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the quality of being willing to accept new ideas or people
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to see and notice something
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to take part in an activity or event
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a feeling that you like and respect yourself and that you deserve to be respected by other people
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angry or threatening behaviour or feelings that often results in fighting
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something you do, make, wear etc. that causes people to have a certain opinion of you
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different from what is normal or expected
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involving or intended for a very large number of people
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underground music is only followed by a small number of people, and would seem slightly strange or shocking to most people
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a type of rock music with a heavy beat and strong tempo
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a type of popular music with a regular heavy beat and spoken words
restricted to
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small or limited in size, area, or amount
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the people who watch and listen to a particular programme, or who see or hear a particular performer's work
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to become larger in size, number, or amount, or to make something become larger
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something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions
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the most usual ideas or methods, or the people who have these ideas or methods
make up for
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to make a bad situation better, or replace something that has been lost
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the kind of things that someone likes
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a particular time or state that something reaches as it grows or develops
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the time when you are an adult
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if you experience a problem, event, or situation, it happens to you or affects you
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one of the songs or pieces of music on a longer record or album
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a small flat plastic case containing magnetic tape, that can be used for playing or recording sound
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when there is not enough of something, or none of it
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something that can be seen
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if two subjects, ideas etc. overlap, they include some but not all of the same things
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time that you spend working in your job in addition to your normal working hours
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someone responsible for the information that is included in a newspaper, magazine, programme etc.
sick leave
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time that you are allowed to spend away from your work because you are ill
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[linking verb, not in progressive] used to say how something seems, especially from what you know about it or from what you can see
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[intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to take part in a film, play, concert, television programme etc.
think about
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to use your mind to decide about something, form an opinion, imagine etc.
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[transitive] to have a particular opinion or to believe that something is true
depend on somebody
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to need the support, help, or existence of someone in order to exist, be happy etc.
depend on
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if something depends on something else, it is directly affected or decided by that thing
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[linking verb] to have a particular kind of taste
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[transitive] to eat or drink a small amount of something to see what it is like
take off
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suddenly start being successful
take after
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to look or behave like an older relative
take up
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become interested in a new activity and to spend time doing it
take over
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to take control of something
take back
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to admit that you were wrong
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to advertise something and help it develop, increase, or sell
drum up
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to get support, interest, attention etc. from people by making an effort
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a session musician is not officially part of a band, but plays and records with lots of different bands/artists
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being the only one of its kind
sell out
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if a shop sells out of something, it has no more of that particular thing left to sell
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to make a recording, video, film etc. available for people to buy or see
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consisting of or including many different kinds of things or people, especially in a way that seems interesting
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belonging or relating to one particular person, rather than to other people or to people in general
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a suggestion to someone that they should choose a particular thing or person that you think is very good
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used then you are talking about things such as substances, materials, or groups of objects when you do not know what they are called, or it is not important to say exactly what they are
be into something
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to like and be interested in something
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used to mention the main part or cause of something, the main reason for something etc.
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to have or use something with other people
share files
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to have or use music and video files that are stored on the internet, so that other people can have and use them too
show off
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to try to make people admire your abilities, achievements or possessions
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to make the effort to do something
miss out
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to not have the chance to do something that you enjoy and that would be good for you
come out
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when a book, record etc. comes out, it becomes publicly available
have in common with
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to have the same interests, attitudes etc. as someone else
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someone who is sociable is friendly and enjoys being with other people
be obsessed with
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if you are obsessed with something or someone, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else
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to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks etc.
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to produce new ideas or things using the imagination
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a type of music that has a strong beat and parts for performers to play alone
insurance broker
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someone who arranges and sells insurance as their job
at heart
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if you are a particular kind of person at heart, that is the kind of person that you really are even though you may appear or behave differently
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in a way that shows you like someone or something very much
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the style your hair is cut in
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someone's character, especially the way they behave towards other people
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someone's origins, forming a big part of their personality
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to do something to entertain people, for example by acting, dancing, playing music

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