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The blind man took me to the newsstand.
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El ciego me llevó al puesto de diarios, o al kiosco de diarios.
I asked him if he wanted me, to buy him a magazine.
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Le pregunté a él si querría que le comprara una revista.
He reminded me that he was blind.
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Él me recordó que era ciego.
Stop bothering me.
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Deja de molestarme.
I didn’t understand a single word.
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No entendí ni una sola palabra.
He was talking as if he had marbles in his mouth.
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El estaba hablando como si tuviera canicas en la boca.
I asked him to speak more slowly.
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Le pedí (a él) que hablara más despacio.
He ignored me.
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El me ignoro. No me hizo caso.
I left the meeting.
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Me fui de la reunión.
You’re a lost case.
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Eres un caso perdido.
We’ll have to prove it to them.
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Tendremos que demostrárselo (a ellos).
Do you have an alibi?.
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¿Tienes una coartada?.
I’m run a training service.
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Dirijo un servicio de entrenamiento, de formación.
Who’s in charge?.
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¿Quién esta a cargo?. ¿Quién es el responsable?.
It was a strange coincidence.
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Fue una extraña coincidencia o casualidad...
You can count on me.
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Puedes contar conmigo.
It was a delightful evening ........ delightful.
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Agradable, encantador/a ........ Fue una velada encantadora.
The story had a happy ending.
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La historia tuvo un final feliz.
Did they kill the bad guy?.
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¿Mataron al chico malo?.
He spent the rest of his life in prison.
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Pasó el resto de su vida en la cárcel.
The moral has been seriously damaged.
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La moral ha sido seriamente dañada.
Which are the traits of a good manager?.
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¿Cuáles son las características de una buena gerente?.
What do I know?.
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¿Yo qué sé?.
There’s a rumour that you’re leaving.
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Hay un rumor de que te vas.
Who told you that?.
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¿Quién te dijo eso?.
I heard it through the grapevine.
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Me lo dijó un pajarito. Lo oí por radio Macuto.
This company stinks.
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Esta compañía apesta.
It’s not that bad.
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No es tan mala.
I need more room to work.
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Necesito más cancha para trabajar.
How can you say that?.
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¿Cómo puedes decir eso?.
I can’t influence ---- company policy.
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No puedo influir ---- en la política de la compañía.
But you’ve only been here for a year.
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Pero solo has estado un año aquí.
Besides you’re only 28.
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Además solo tienes 28 años.
So what?.
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¿Y qué?.
You have to be patient.
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Tienes que ser paciente.
Patience is a virtue.
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La paciencia es una virtud.
I’ve run out of patience.
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Se me ha agotado la paciencia.
What are you planning to do?.
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¿Qué estas planeando hacer?.
I’m going to resign.
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Voy a dimitir. Voy a renunciar.
They won’t accept your resignation.
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No aceptarán tu dimisión.
I don’t care.
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No me importa.
What plans do you have?.
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¿Qué planes tienes?.
I’m going to enter politics.
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Voy a entrar en política.
You’re looking for trouble.
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Estás buscando problemas.
I’ll get by.
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Me las arreglaré. Me apañaré.
Do you like politics?.
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¿Te gusta la política?.
It’s the best way to change things.
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Es la mejor forma de cambiar las cosas.
Changing things is not that easy.
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Cambiar las cosas no es tan fácil.
I have a mission in life.
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Tengo una misión en la vida.
Some day I’ll run this country.
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Algún día dirigiré este país.
Loosen it.
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Tighten it.
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Don’t frighten him.
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No lo asustes.
Don’t threaten me.
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No me amenaces.
Widen it.
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Straighten it.
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Shorten it.
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Lengthen it.
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Soften it.
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Harden it.
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Weaken it.
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Strengthen it.
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Reforzalo. Fortalécelo.
Sharpen it.
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She said, I heard it through the grapevine.
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Ella dijó, Me lo dijó un pajarito. Me enteré en radio macuto.
I used to play marbles in my country.
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Yo solía ​​jugar a las canicas en mi país.
Ted Cruz said that he has an alibi for tomorrow.
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Ted Cruz dijo que el tiene una coartada para mañana.
The drain blocked up and had to be unclogged by a plumber.
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El resumidero se tapo y tuvo que ser desatascado por un plomero.
New Year has gone by.
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El año Nuevo ha pasado.
Christmas has gone by.
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La Navidad ha pasado.
Our youth already has gone by.
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Nuestra juventud ya ha pasado.
Our time for that, already has gone by.
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Nuestro tiempo para eso ya ha pasado.
I got all the papers muddled up.
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Tengo todos los papeles revueltos.
My son muddled up all my books.
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Mi hijo revolvio todos mis libros.
I feel like listening to music.
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Tengo ganas de escuchar música.
I’m looking for someone else.
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Estoy buscando a otra persona.
We used to come here more often.
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Antes veníamos aquí más a menudo.
The drain stopped up and had to be unclogged by a plumber.
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El resumidero se tapo y tuvo que ser desatascado por un plomero.
Exercises to strengthen the leg muscles.
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Ejercicios para fortalecer los músculos de las piernas.
Failo makes exercises to strengthen the arm muscles.
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Failo hace ejercicios para fortalecer los músculos del brazo.
Chava added a couple of beams to strengthen the roof.
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Chava añadió un par de vigas para reforzar el techo.
Daniel makes exercises to strengthen the leg muscles.
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Daniel hace ejercicios para fortalecer los músculos de las piernas.
Alfonso makes exercises to strengthen the arm muscles.
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Alfonso hace ejercicios para fortalecer los músculos del brazo.
Juan makes exercises to strengthen the leg muscles.
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Juan hace ejercicios para fortalecer los músculos de las piernas.
Edgar makes exercises to strengthen the arm muscles.
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Edgar hace ejercicios para fortalecer los músculos del brazo.
Heat the butter until it softens.
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Calienta la mantequilla hasta que se ablande.
Hey man please just soften your voice. Soften it.
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Oye por favor, sólo suaviza tu voz. Suavizala.
Her voice softened.
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Su voz (de ella) se suavizó.
Hey Liz please just soften your voice. Soften it.
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Hey Liz por favor, sólo a suaviza tu voz. Suavizala.
Hey Kaz please just soften your voice. Soften it.
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Hey Kaz por favor, sólo a suaviza tu voz. Suavizala.
Hey Quito please just soften your voice. Soften it.
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Hey Quito por favor, sólo a suaviza tu voz. Suavizala.
Hey Kaz, first soften the dough quickly. Soften it.
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Hey, Kaz primero ablanda la masa rápidamente. Ablandala.
Hey Karla, first soften the dough quickly. Soften it.
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Hey, Karla primero ablanda la masa rápidamente. Ablandala.
Hey Sandra, first soften the dough quickly. Soften it.
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Hey, Sandra primero ablanda la masa rápidamente. Ablandala.
One bird was bold enough to come and pick crumbs from the table ........ BOLD.
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Valinte, atrevido ........ Un ave fue lo suficiente valiente para venir y picotear migajas de la mesa.
Well, So what?.
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Bueno, ¿y qué?.
Already has gone by.
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Ya ha pasado.
Elton Jhon was busking in London.
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Elton Jhon estaba tocando en las calles de Londres.
to busk= to play music in a public place in order to earn money from people who are passing by.
Elton Jhon was busking in Mancherster City.
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Elton Jhon estaba tocando en las calles de la ciudad de Mancherster.
to busk= to play music in a public place in order to earn money from people who are passing by.
Juan Gabriel started his career as a busker.
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Juan Gabriel comenzó su carrera como un músico callejero.
Passers-by tossed coins into the busker's hat.
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Los transeúntes arrojaron monedas en el sombrero del músico callejero.
One bird was bold enough.
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Un ave fue lo suficiente valiente.
to come and pick crumbs.
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para venir y picotear migajas.
from the table.
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de la mesa.
Above all, Bolillo should be punctual and fair.
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Por encima de todo, Bolillo debe ser puntual y justo.
Enrique Oviedo was a real truant in school. ---- Truant.
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Pintero. ---- Enrique Oviedo era un verdadero pintero en la escuela. Se hacia la pinta.
The teacher said, there's been an increasing number of truants. - - - truant.
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Pintero. - - - El maestro dijo. Ha habido un creciente número de pinteros.

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