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Quite a few students know about it.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes estudiantes saben al respecto.
Quite a few guys know about it.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes muchachos saben al respecto.
Quite a few girls know about it.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes chicas saben al respecto.
Quite a few boys know about it.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes chicos saben al respecto.
Quite a few friends are coming.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes amigos vienen.
Quite a few animals are sick.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes animales estan enfermos.
Quite a few horses are sick.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes caballos estan enfermos.
Quite a few kids are sick.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes niños estan enfermos.
Quite a few babies are sick.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes bebes estan enfermos.
Quite a few pigs are sick.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes puercos estan enfermos.
Quite a few chickens are sick.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes pollos estan enfermas.
Quite a few birds are sick.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes pajaros estan enfermas.
Quite a few cows are sick.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Bastantes vacas estan enfermas.
Quite a few people are coming.
Quite a few= Bastantes, Muchos, Muchas.
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Muchas personas vienen.
Good God I can't believe my eyes, look who is there!!!
Good God!= Santo Dios!!!.
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Santo Dios,!!! No puedo creer mis ojos. Mira quien esta ahi.
Good God. I can't believe my eyes, look who is there!!!
Good God!= Santo Dios!!!.
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Santo Dios!!! No puedo creer mis ojos, mira quien esta ahi?.
Good God. it can't be, I think I lost my car keys.!!!
Good God!= Santo Dios!!!.
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Santo Dios, No puede ser, creo que perdi mis llaves del carro.
For God's sake, when will you stop that noise?.
For God's sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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Por el amor de Dios. Cuando vas a parar con ese ruido?.
For God's sake, Helen, what happened to your hair?.
For God's sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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Por el amor de Dios Helen, Que paso con tu cabello?.
For God's sake, Kaz, what happened to your hair?.
For God's sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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Por el amor de Dios Kaz, Que paso con tu cabello?.
At one-thirty in the morning, For God's sake, my dog decided to have her puppies.
For God's sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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A la 1:30 en la mañana, por el amor de Dios mi perra decidio tener sus perritos.
For Christ's sake, Helen, what happened to your hair?.
For Christ's sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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Por el amor de Dios Helen, Que paso con tu cabello?.
For Christ's sake, Kaz, what happened to your hair?.
For Christ's sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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Por el amor de Dios Kaz, Que paso con tu cabello?.
At one-thirty in the morning, for Christ's sake, my dog decided to have her puppies.
For Christ's sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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A la 1:30 en la mañana, por el amor de Dios mi perra decidio tener sus perritos.
For goodness sake, Helen, what happened to your hair?.
For goodness sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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Por el amor de Dios Helen, Que paso con tu cabello?.
For goodness sake, Kaz, what happened to your hair?.
For goodness sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
начать обучение
Por el amor de Dios Kaz, Que paso con tu cabello?.
At one-thirty in the morning, for goodness sake, my dog decided to have her puppies.
For goodness sake!= Por el amor de Dios!!!.
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A la 1:30 en la mañana, por el amor de Dios mi perra decidio tener sus perritos.
He knows more than anyone here.
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Él sabe más que nadie aquí.
I know more than anyone here.
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Yo sé más que nadie aquí.
This is a little easier to read.
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Esto es un poco más fácil de leer.
Barack Obama, runs faster than me.
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Barack Obama, corre más rápido que yo.
He runs faster than I do.
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Corre más rápido que yo.
Miguel Herrera runs faster than I do.
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Miguel Herrera corre más rápido que yo.
Jane runs faster than I do.
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Jane corre más rápido que yo.
Don't be afraid, honey.
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No tengas miedo, cariño.
Don't be afraid, son.
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No tengas miedo, hijo.
I'm not going to do anything to you.
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No te vo hacer nada.
Why are you looking to me like that?.
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¿Por qué me miras asi ?.
Why are you looking to me like that?.
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¿Por qué me miras asi ?.
Don't you trust me?.
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¿No confías en mí ?.
Doesn't he trust me?.
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¿No confía el en mí ?.
Doesn't she trust me?.
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¿No confía ella en mí ?.
Don't you want to tell me anything?.
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¿No quieres decirme nada ?.
Who doesn't have a car?.
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¿Quién no tiene un coche ?.
Does anyone know where Pepe is?.
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¿Alguien sabe donde esta Pepe ?.
Does anyone know where Jose is?.
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¿Alguien sabe donde esta José ?.
They don't know where I am.
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Ellos no saben dónde estoy.
Everyone knows there isn't anyone there.
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Todo el mundo sabe que no hay nadie allí.
Everyone knows there isn't anyone there.
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Todo el mundo sabe que no hay nadie allí.
Nobody tells me anything.
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Nadie me dice nada.
I don't agree with them.
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No estoy de acuerdo con ellos.
She doesn't agree with you.
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Ella no está de acuerdo contigo.
Do they know what her opinion is?.
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¿Ellos saben cual es la opinión de ella?.
Does he know what her opinion is?.
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El sabe cual es la opinión de ella?.
Does she know what her opinion is?.
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¿Ella sabe sabe cual es la opinión de ella?.?.
Kaz never tells anyone anything.
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Kaz nunca le dice nada a nadie.
Quito never tells anyone anything.
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Quito nunca le dice nada a nadie.
I never tell anyone anything.
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Nunca le digo nada a nadie.
Why don't you talk to her?.
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¿Por qué no hablas con ella ?.
I'll talk to her when I see her.
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Voy a hablar con ella cuando la vea.
How often do you see him?.
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¿Con qué frecuencia lo ves?.
How often do you see her?.
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¿Con qué frecuencia la ves ?.
How often do you see them?.
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¿Con qué frecuencia los ves?.
How often does she see him?.
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¿Con qué frecuencia ella lo ve ?.
I "hardly" ever see her.
hardly= casi no.
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Casi no la veo.
I hardly ever see her.
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Casi nunca la veo.
Why don't you agree with them?.
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¿Por qué no estás de acuerdo con ellos ?.
Why doesn't she agree with them?.
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¿Por qué ella no está de acuerdo con ellos ?.
We never agree on anything.
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Nunca estamos de acuerdo en nada.
You never agree on anything guys.
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Nunca están de acuerdo en nada chicos.
My father and I never agree on anything.
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Mi padre y yo nunca estámos de acuerdo en nada.
My father and my mother never agree on anything.
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Mi padre y mi madre nunca están de acuerdo en nada.
He doesn't know when the party is.
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Él no sabe cuando es la fiesta.
She doesn't know when the party is.
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Ella no sabe cuando es la fiesta.
Doesn't anyone know where my daughter is?.
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¿Nadie sabe dónde está mi hija ?.
Doesn't anyone know where my son is?.
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¿Nadie sabe dónde está mi hijo ?.
I know what he does.
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Yo sé lo el que hace.
I know what she does.
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Yo sé que ella hace.
I also know why he does it.
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También sé por qué lo hace.
I also know why you do it.
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También sé por qué lo haces.
I also know why they do it.
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También sé por qué lo hacen.
Why do you do it?.
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Porque lo haces?.
Why does he do it?.
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¿Por qué el lo hace?.
Why does she do it?.
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Porque ella lo hace?.
Why do they do it?.
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¿Por qué lo hacen?.
Why does Jose do it?.
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Porque Jose lo hace?.
Why does Jane do it?.
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Porque Jane lo hace?.
When will they give it to me?.
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¿Cuándo me lo daran ?.
When will they give you what?.
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¿Cuándo te darán que ?.
Give me what they owe me.
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Darme lo que me deben.
What do they owe you?.
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¿Qué es lo que te deben ?.
They owe me a lot of money.
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Me deben mucho dinero.
I'm afraid they're not going to pay you.
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Me temo que no te van a pagar.
What makes you think that?.
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¿Qué te hace pensar eso?.
What makes you say that?.
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¿Qué te hace decir eso?.
Because I know they don't have a penny.
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Porque sé que no tienen un centavo.
Who knows that besides him?.
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Quién sabe eso además de él ?.
Who knows that besides her?.
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Quién sabe eso además de ella ?.
Who knows that besides them?.
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¿Quién sabe eso además de ellos ?.
Do you realize what you're doing?.
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¿Te das cuenta de lo que estás haciendo ?.
Does he realize what he's doing?.
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¿Se da cuenta el de lo que está haciendo ?.
Does she realize what she's doing?.
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¿Se da cuenta de lo que está haciendo ?.
Do they realize what they're doing?.
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¿Se dan cuenta de lo que están haciendo ?.
Isn't this easier than that?.
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¿No es esto más fácil que eso ?.
Isn't this easier than that?.
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¿No es esto más fácil que eso ?.
Isn't this easier than that?.
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¿No es esto más fácil que eso ?.
Isn't this easier than that?.
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¿No es esto más fácil que eso ?.
She's prettier than her sister.
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Ella es más bonita que su hermana.
I am taller than the Germans.
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Soy más alto que los Alemanes.
you're taller than the Germans.
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Tu eres más alto que los Alemanes.
This is more complicated.
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Esto es más complicado.
Don't worry, I won't be afraid.
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No te preocupes, no voy a tener miedo.
What are you afraid of?.
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¿De qué tienes miedo?.
What are you afraid of?.
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¿De qué tienes miedo?.
What is he afraid of?.
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What is he afraid of?.
Who is going to ask me for it?.
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¿Quién me lo va a pedir ?.
He's afraid to ask me for it.
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Tiene miedo de pedirmelo.
You have to be more careful.
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Tienes que tener más cuidado.
Why do you wear shirts like that?.
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¿Por qué usas camisas así ?.
Why does he wear shirts like that?.
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¿Por qué el usa camisas así ?.
Don't be like them.
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No sean como ellos.
I never tell anyone anything.
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Nunca le digo nada a nadie.
What makes you so sure?.
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¿Qué te hace estar tan seguro?.
What makes you so sure?.
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¿Qué te hace estar tan seguro?.

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