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What time does the plane leave?.
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¿A qué hora sale el avión?.
What gate does it leave from?.
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¿De qué puerta sale?.
You won't be able to do it.
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No podrás hacerlo.
We'll be able to see him tomorrow.
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Podremos verle mañana.
Who woke her up?.
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¿Quién la despertó?.
It wasn't me.
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No fui yo.
Then who was it?.
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Entonces, ¿quién fue?.
Why are you looking at me?.
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¿Por qué me estás mirando a mí?.
I want you to do what I tell you.
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Quiero que hagas lo que te digo.
I don't want you to get into trouble.
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No quiero que te metas en líos.
I want everyone to be happy.
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Quiero que todo el mundo sea feliz.
I don't want anyone to be sad.
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No quiero que nadie esté triste.
I want my children to prosper.
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Quiero que mis hijos prosperen.
I want you to succeed in life.
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Quiero que triunfes en la vida.
I don't want you to fail.
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No quiero que fracases.
I want you to marry a good woman.
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Quiero que te cases con una buena mujer.
I want you to increase your knowledge.
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Quiero que aumentes tus conocimientos.
I want you to do the best you can.
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Quiero que hagas lo mejor que puedas.
He wants the team to lose.
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Él quiere que el equipo pierda.
He wants us to buy a ticket.
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Quiere que compremos un billete.
He wants it to rain.
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El quiere que llueva.
Does it rain a lot here?.
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¿Llueve mucho aquí?.
What does this sentence mean?.
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¿Qué significa esta frase?.
He won't last long.
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Él no durará mucho.
I'm like the bad guy in the movie.
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Soy como el malo de la película.
In what way?.
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¿En qué sentido?.
I always end up losing.
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Siempre termino perdiendo.
Do you feel sorry for yourself?.
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¿Sientes pena de ti mismo?.
Not at all.
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En absoluto.
Then why are you crying?.
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Entonces ¿por qué estas llorando?.
I can't help it.
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No lo puedo evitar.
What do you mean you can't help it?.
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¿Qué quieres decir con que no lo puedes evitar?.
You're peeling an onion.
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Estás pelando una cebolla.
Don't try to be funny.
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No intentes ser gracioso.
Let's get back to the subject.
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Volvamos al tema.
What were we talking about?.
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¿De qué hablábamos?.
Whether ghosts exist or not.
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De si existen o no los fantasmas.
I don't think they exist.
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Yo no creo que existan.
I don't believe in them.
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No creo en ellos.
What do you base your belief on?.
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¿En qué basas tu creencia?.
You don't know what you're talking about.
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No sabes de lo que estás hablando.
I have better things to talk about.
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Tenemos cosas mejores de que hablar.
Like what?.
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¿Cómo qué?.
Like the true meaning of beauty.
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Como el verdadero significado de la belleza.
Beauty is relative, like everything else.
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La belleza es relativa, como todo.
Where did you get those ideas?.
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¿Dónde conseguiste esas ideas?.
My godfather taught them to me.
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Mi padrino me las enseñó.
Is he still alive?.
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¿Vive aún?.
He's married to my mother.
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Está casado con mi madre.
Then he's your stepfather too, isn't he?.
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Asi que es tu padrastro también, ¿no?.
I get my check biweekly.
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Recibo mi cheque quincenal, cada dos semanas.
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I’ve rented a storage locker to store all my stuff for the time being.
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He rentado un armario de almacenamiento para almacenar todas mis cosas por el momento.
For the time being ------ For the time being I'm not going to call her. ------ For the time being.
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Por el momento. ---- Por el momento. no voy a llamar la.
For the time being.
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Por el momento.
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álbun de recortes.
I never got around to sort through in my room. -------- Get around. (UK).
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Conseguir alrededor tiempo para hacer algo ...... to find time to do something. -------- Get Around. (UK).
He threatened to kill her, but he never got around to it.
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El la menazó con matarla pero él nunca llegó a hacerlo.
He never got around to it.
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El nunca llegó a hacerlo. El nunca encontró el tiempo para a hacerlo.
I never got around to it.
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Yo nunca llegué a hacerlo. Yo nunca encontré el tiempo para a hacerlo.
One of these days, I will get around to making the trip to Paris.
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Uno de estos días, voy a encontrar el tiempo para hacer el viaje a París.
One of these days, I will get around to cleaning the bathroom.
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Uno de estos días, me pondre a hacer la limpieza del baño.
Bill eventually got round to the washing-up.
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Bill eventualmente se pusó a lavar los platos.
That girl has a sleek and dark hair.
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Esa chica tiene un cabello liso y oscuro
Linda loves her cat's sleek coat.
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Linda ama la capa lisa de su gato.
You came a long way.
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Has llegado lejos.
At what name do I make the check?.
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¿A qué nombre hago el cheque ?.
Pull it out of the water.
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Sacalo del agua.
Pull the cat out of the water.
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Saca el gato del agua.
Chuy managed to pull himself out of poverty.
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Chuy logró salir el mismo de la pobreza.
Storage locker.
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Armario de almacenamiento.
You shouldn't stay out in the blazing sun like that without sunscreen.
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No debes permanecer en el sol abrasador así sin protector solar.
The blazing sun.
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El sol abrasador.
Joe teased his sister mercilessly.
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Jose se burló de su hermana sin piedad.
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sin piedad.
to beat down.
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caer a plomo.
The rain beat down so hard.
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La lluvia caía a plomo muy fuerte.
His friends teased him mercilessly when they found the poem.
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Sus amigos se burlaban de él sin piedad cuando se encontraron con el poema.
I'm returning this skirt - it's too clingy.
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Voy a devolver esta falda - es demasiado ajustada.
Chuy wants it to rain.
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Chuy quiere que llueva.
My heartfelt condolences.
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Mi más sentido pésame. Mi más profundo pésame.
Juan needed to get married to an American woman.
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Juan necesitaba casarse con una mujer Americana.
How did you fare today?.
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¿Cómo te fue hoy ?.
How did you fare in the exam Kaz?.
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¿Cómo te fue en el examen Kaz ?.
How did you fare in the exam Quito?.
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¿Cómo te fue en el examen Quito ?.
You came a long way.
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Has llegado lejos.
With Eliazar's intelligence and ambition, he'll go a long way.
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Con inteligencia y ambición de Eliazar, él va a llegar lejos.
Eliazar, you came a long way.
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Eliazar, has llegado lejos.
Elba, you came a long way.
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Elba has llegado lejos.
Armando Vera came a long way.
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Armando Vera ha llegado lejos.
Chuy Castro, you came a long way.
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Chuy Castro, has llegado lejos.
go a long way, or come a long way.
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llegar lejos, tener éxito.
go a long way, or come a long way.
начать обучение
llegar lejos, tener éxito.

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