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a container, wrapping, etc., esp one on which a commodity is packed for sale
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opakowanie; karton; paczka
part-time worker
For or during less than the customary or standard time.
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pracownik zatrudniony w niepełnym wymiarze godzin; pracownik niepełnoetatowy
If I can just get through the training period, it'will be all down hill from here.
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okres; tendencja
Existing or coming before another or others in time, place, rank, or sequence; previous.
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poprzedzający; poprzedni
something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
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wstępny; preliminarny
product availability
the quality of being at hand when needed
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Dostępność produktów; dyspozycyjność
profit margin
the difference between the cost of buying or producting sth and the price that it is sold for
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marża zysku
moving forward or anward
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stopniowo; z postępem
advancement in rank, grade, or position
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awans; promocja- reklamowanie czegoś
A proposal that everybody should get a pay rise.
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So I'd better get down to having those propositions tested.
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propozycja; twierdzenie
Good publicity can help enhance your company's image.
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opinia o marce; reklama; rozgłos
Pull trough
to persevere in the face of a difficult situation
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wyciągać kogoś np. z klopotów
purchasing department
the department responsible for buying goods
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Dział Zakupów; dział zaopatrzenia
put by
Fiona has a fair amount put by.
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odkładać; odłożyć; oszczędzać
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