Semana 9

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Quería soplar el silbato por algo.
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to blow, blow out, blow off
She wanted to blow the whistle on something.
Tenemos que sellar el perímetro, otros podrían seguirlos.
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to seal, stamp, seal off
We need to seal the break in the perimeter, others could follow.
No tenías un gramo de remordimiento.
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remorse, regret, guilt
You didn't have an ounce of remorse.
Oye el clamor y la oración que tu siervo te eleva hoy.
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cry, clamor, outcry
Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making to you today.
Buscan colmar su vacío con toda clase de sensaciones.
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to fill, meet, fulfil
They attempt to fill their emptiness with all kinds of sensations.
A partir de ella, se puede trasponer a muchas otras defensas.
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to transpose, transposition, we crossed
It may transpose into many other defences.
Esta denegación ultrajante de los más básicos derechos humanos de la población indígena podría con toda justicia ser llamada imperialista.
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outrageous, offensive, insulting
Such outrageous denial of these Indian peoples' most basic human rights would fairly be called imperialism.
Su insensatez no es culpa mía.
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folly, foolishness, nonsense
His folly, Helena, is no fault of mine.
Debe esperar que desaparezcan los efectos del sedante.
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sedative, sedation, tranquilizer
You must wait for the effects of the sedative to wear off.
Él originalmente planeaba asistir solo como espectador.
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to attend, assist, go
And he originally planned to attend only as a spectator.
Resulta fácil argüir que Jokanaan evoca a Ruskin.
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to argue, claim, contend
It is easy to argue that Jokanaan evokes Ruskin.
El ápice del triángulo estará arriba.
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apex, iota, inch
The apex of the triangle must be uppermost.
También resulta ser un pariente del perejil.
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relative, kinsman, relation
It also happens to be a relative of parsley.
Afortunadamente, sobreviví pero antes tenía pelo lacio.
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straight, limp, lank
Fortunately, I survived but I used to have straight hair.
Es ligeramente grasiento, comparado al hueso circundante.
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greasy, fat, oily
Coloration is off. It's slightly greasy, compared to the surrounding bone.
Ellos decían: Queremos rapar la cabeza de Marcel.
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to shave, cut, scalp
They're like, we want to shave marcel's head.
O está senil... o le dio insolación.
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senile, doddering, senilis
Either that man's senile or he's been out in the sun too long.
Diseñado una textura realista poniendo y áspero simulado.
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rough, harsh, coarse
Designed to feature a realistic putting texture and simulated rough.
También podremos utilizarla para enviarle publicidad pertinente.
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relevant, pertinent, appropriate
We may also use it to deliver relevant advertising.
O usted puede hojear en nuestro homepage para la referencia adicional.
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to browse, leaf through, browse through
Or you can browse in our homepagefor further reference.
Entonces quite aquel rasgo de esta radio.
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feature, trait, characteristic
So I left that feature out of this radio.
He resuelto el misterio del camillero faltante.
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orderly, stretcher-bearer, porter
I finally solved the mystery of the missing orderly.
Su corazón puede latir demasiado rápido,...
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to beat, pound, throb
Your heart may beat too fast, too slow,...
Se requería de vencedores y vencidos.
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winners, victors
There had to be winners and losers.
Me mantenían alejada de considerarte un cornudo.
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cuckold, horn, cuck
They kept me from seeing you as a cuckold.
Los contribuyentes que ya hayan implementado la nueva versión 3.3 de CFDI van a poder timbrar las facturas desde el comienzo con EDICOM.
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to stamp, seal, frank
Taxpayers who have already implemented the new CFDI version 3.3 will be able to stamp their invoices with EDICOM from the outset.
Dejarás todos marcados mis pisos de caoba.
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You're going to get track marks all over my mahogany floors.
Una responsabilidad doble advierte en el momento del luto Trasportounito.
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mourning, grieving, grief
In the moment of the Trasportounito mourning she perceives a double responsibility.
El trazado es maravilloso para los aficionados.
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layout, route, drawing
The layout is a good style for the fans.
El paso final es trazar conclusiones.
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to draw, chart, trace
The final step is to to draw conclusions.
El cabello puede ser marrón claro, también con un tinte ceniciento.
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ashy, ashen, grey
Hair can be light-brown, also with an ashy tinge.
Los borana: atrapa el color.
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catch, traps, caught
The Borana: catch the colour.
Al escalar la cueva encontrará un río subterráneo.
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cave, cavern, den
The hike within the cave is up a subterranean river.
Usted debe asir la atención de la gente y hacerlos para chascar.
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to grab, grasp, seize
You must grab people's attention and make them to click.
Puede enlazar las exposiciones mediante RSS.
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to link, bind, connect
You can link the exhibitions by means of RSS.
Es cuando decidí cambiar el mundo en vez de... rabiar contra él.
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to rage, enrage, something fierce
It is when I decided to change the world instead of... rage against him.
Se trata de dimensiones que podrían espantar cualquier persona.
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to scare, frighten, spook
These are some figures that would scare anyone.
Esta es la forma de fajar a un bebé:
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swaddle, swaddling, attack
Here's how to swaddle a baby:
Emblema adoptado por la bodega como signo identificador.
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winery, cellar, wine cellar
The emblem adopted by the winery as a sign of identity.
Además podemos prender una vela e incienso.
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to light, set, turn
In addition we can light a candle and incense.
Incluye cuatro poemas sobre un misterioso siervo sufriente del Señor.
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servant, slave, serf
It includes four poems about a mysterious suffering servant of the Lord.
Portugal es acreedor neto desde 1990.
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creditor, obligee, lender
The nation has been a net creditor since 1990.
Aunque sin embargo ella es extremadamente incordiante.
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even though She's extremely annoying.
Usted puede sorprenderse al enterarse lo que usted y su familia pueden lograr.
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to learn, find out, hear
You may be surprised to learn what you and your family are capable of achieving.
Un curtidor local revela algo sorprendente.
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tanner, leatherworker
A local tanner has a surprising revelation.
Compara tu mente con un caballo salvaje que estás planeando domar.
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to tame, break, control
Compare your mind to a wild horse that you are setting out to tame.
Trataban de evitar todo lo que pudiera desagradar a la administración alemana.
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to displease, dislike, be unpleasant
They tried to avoid everything that might displease the German administration.
No aspiraré a explicar teología para dispensar la labor de pensamiento.
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to dispense, provide, exempt
I do not pretend to so explain theology as to dispense with the labor of thinking.
Entonces podemos criar al bebé aquí.
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to raise, breed, bring up
Then, we can raise the baby right here.
Lo encerraron como un ermitaño durante semanas.
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hermit, recluse, eremite
He was locked up like a hermit for weeks.

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