Present Perfect Irregular 1

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Вопрос Ответ
Steal, Stole, Stolen
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She has stolen my bike.
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I’ve never stolen anything.
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Have you ever stolen anything
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Bring, brought, brought
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Have you brought any food with you today?
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She hasn’t brought her children with her.
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Michael has brought his friend to the party.
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Think, thought, thought
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I’ve never thought of learning German.
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I’ve always thought it is too difficult and ugly.
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He has always thought only of himself.
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Teach, taught, taught
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uczyć kogoś
My father has taught me some interesting things.
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Andrew has taught 75 people English so far,
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Have you ever taught at a public school?
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Feel, felt, felt
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I’ve never felt that happy in my life.
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Have you ever felt like the king of life?
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She hasn’t felt well since last thursday
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Write, wrote, written
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Have you ever written a book?
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John has written 3 letters to his Mother this week.
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J.K. Rowling has written seven Harry Potter books
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Read, red, red
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I’ve read 6 books this year.
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Mike hasn’t read anything this month.
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Have you red my message?
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Be, was, been
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Have you been to Warsaw before?
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They’ve never been to Moscow
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I’ve been to Paris three times, and I love it.
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Fall, fell, fallen
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upaść, spaść
I’ve fallen off a bike three times this year
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The king has fallen.
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I’ve fallen off a ladder 3 times this week
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Choose, chose, chosen
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I’ve already chosen the colour of the dress.
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They have chosen 10 bravest men for the expedition.
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Has Joanna chosen a restaurant for the party?
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Make, made, made
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zrobić, wykonać
Have you made this table by yourself?
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I’ve made a spicy soup for you.
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Margaret has made this for you. I hope you like it.
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