podatki po angielsku

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a decline in economic activity
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an increase in economic activity
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beliefs about what will happen in the future
the difference between the funds a country receives and those it pays for all international transactions
начать обучение
balance of payments
the total market value of all the good and services produced in a country during a given period
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gross domestic product
the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services
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the willingness and ability of businesses to offer goods or services for sale
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to put money aside to spend in the future
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income tax
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podatek dochodowy
podatek bezpośredni
начать обучение
direct tax
podatek od wyższych dochodów
начать обучение
progressive tax
podatek pośredni
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indirect tax
начать обучение
value-added tax
podatek od zysków kapitałowych
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capital gains tax
podatek spadkowy
начать обучение
inheritance tax
Podatek od wzbogacenia się
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wealth tax
uchylanie się od płacenia podatków
начать обучение
tax evasion
obchodzenie przepisów podatkow
начать обучение
tax avoidance
raj podatkowy
начать обучение
tax haven
Luka podatkowa
начать обучение

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