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get out
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point out
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stamp out
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stłumić coś
interracial hatred
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nienawiść międzyrasowa
stand out
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wyróżniać się
bring out
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uwydatnić, wydobyć
miss out
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начать обучение
hang out
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spędzać wolny czas
figure out
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sort it out
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rozwiązać to
opt out
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chować się
suddenly appears
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nagle pojawia się
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начать обучение
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начать обучение
bez znaczenia
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opierać się
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начать обучение
What are 2 factors that make us feel FOMO?
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Social media, recompare, consumer culture
What should we do to experience JOMO?
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Log out of social media, try resist, avoid temptation
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What does 'moderate life' mean according to Aristotle?
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Finding a balance between 2 extremes: doing too much on the one hand and doing too litlle on the other hand.
What does it mean to be human according to the speaker?
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think about my own life in relations to others
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How does the example of Nero show that limitless life of despair?
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Nero could do anything. He was the most powerful men in the world, he could point whatever he wanted. And he set Rome of fire.
Fear of missing out - FOMO
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Strach przed przegapieniem – FOMO
Joy of missing out - JOMO
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Radość z tęsknoty - JOMO
What is FOMO?
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FOMO is a state in which we fear rejection. We wonder if we travel, eat, live, and live enough. Isn't life slipping through our fingers, are we enough?
What is JOMO?
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JOMO is a state in which we remove all information from the Internet that has a harmful effect on us.
To tune in
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Aby się dostroić; to listen to a live radio programme
To visualise
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Aby wizualizować; to form a mental picture of something
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Znajomy; well known or easily recognised
An adjustment
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Regulacja; a small change
A knock-on effect
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Efekt domina; something that happens as a result of something else happening
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Istotny; Necessary, of extreme importance
To be looming
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Być zbliżającym się; to be coming quickly, to seem very close
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Egzaminy końcowe; the last exams in a university course
Memorise =
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Memory (pamięć)
Improve =
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Improvements (ulepszenia)
Combine =
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Combination (połączenie)
Inform =
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Information (informacja)
Associate =
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Associations (wspomnienia)
Visualise =
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Visualization (wyobrażanie sobie)
Formulate =
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Formulations (reguły)
Be able to =
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Ability (zdolność)
Have you got a good memory?
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Czy masz dobrą pamięć?
What do you do to help you remember things when you're studying?
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Co robisz, aby pomóc Ci zapamiętywać różne rzeczy podczas nauki?
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Improve memory
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Popraw pamięć
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Long-term memory
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Pamięć długoterminowa
Short-term memory
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Pamięć krótkotrwała
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Association - concept
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Choosing a word or phrase you associate with what you are trying to remember. The word needs to be something familiar, thet you come into contact with on a daily basis. For example: won in English means win in past, but in polish means go away.
Visualisation - concept
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you have to visualise an image that is connected to the thing you need to remember. For example you can use a part of your family to remember words about familiy.
Sing - concept
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Instead of reading a text aloud, you sing it. Or for example when you sing your favourite song you can learn a lyrics and remember what any word means.
Teaching - concept
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Teach the concepts to someone else.
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Nieścisłości; statements, that are not correct
To vaccinate
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Aby zaszczepić; to give a person an injection to prevent them getting a disease
To cite
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Cytować; to write or say the words of a writer, book, etc.
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Bezsensowny, odra; an infectious disease which covers the body in smal red spots
An aardvark
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Mrówkojad; an African mammal with a long nose that eats ants
A hoax
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Żart; a plan to trick or deceive someone
To vandalise
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Wandalizować; to intentionally damage property belonging to others
To verify
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Do weryfikacji; to prove that something is true
To tamper with something
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Manipulować czymś; to change something so that it doesn't work as intended
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Bezzasadny; not based on facts or proof
Take things at face value
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Traktuj rzeczy za dobrą monetę = accept things as they appear, rather than thinking carefully about them
By any means
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Dowolnymi środkami = not at all
Spread like wildfire
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Szybko się rozprzestrzeniać = became known by lots of people very quickly
In a nutshell
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W skrócie = using as few words as possible
Thought nothing more of it
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Nic więcej o tym nie myślałem = spent no time thinking about it
In no way
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W żaden sposób = not at all
Do you use Wikipedia? What's your opinion of it?
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Korzystasz z Wikipedii? Jakie jest Twoje zdanie na ten temat?
Have you ever belived information and later discovered it was false? What happened?
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Czy kiedykolwiek uwierzyłeś w informację, a później odkryłeś, że była fałszywa? Co się stało?
A timer
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Minutnik; a device that makes a sound or shows you when a certain amount of time has passed
An A-grade student
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Uczeń bardzo dobrze uczący się; a student who gets the best marks at school
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Wydajność; having good judgement or common sense
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Rozsądny; how much is being done or achieved
To do list
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Lista rzeczy do zrobienia; a list of things you need to do
To go off
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Odejść; to start making a noise (as an alarm or signal)
To deserve
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Zasłużyć; to earn or merit something because of what you have done
To waste time
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Marnować czas; to spend time doing something useless
Common sense
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Zdrowy rozsądek
Breaking down
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Załamanie/ dzielić na podgrupy lub etapy
Tick them off
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How you got a good memory?
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Jak masz dobrą pamięć?
What do you do to help you remember things when you're studying?
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Co robisz, aby pomóc Ci zapamiętywać różne rzeczy podczas nauki?
What is Pomodoro Technique?
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You need to think about task you need to complete. You should write this on the to-do list. And then you set the timer to 25 minutes andu you start working. When times out u have 3-5 minutes break.

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