My lesson 3

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the assets.
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los activos, bienes de un negocio.
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claxon (de un carro).
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to dislocate a bone. to dislocated a shoulder. a dislocated finger. a dislocated wrist.
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dislocar un hueso.
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morete, moretón.
to sprain. to twist. Kaz sprained her wrist. Kaz twisted her wrist.
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torserce, hacerse una torcedura.
to twist. to sprain. Kaz twisted her wrist. Kaz sprained her wrist.
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torserce, hacerse una torcedura.
a twist. a sprain. a simple twist of the wrist. or a simple sprain of the wrist,
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torcedura. una torcedura.
to twist the wrist. to dislocate the wrist. (suffer displaced wrist joint).
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dislocarse la muñeca.
to trade.
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intercambiar, comerciar.
foreign trade. or international trade.
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intercambio o comercio extranjero. intercambio o comercio internacional.
Hang up the clothes.
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Colgar la ropa.
conveyor belt. (moving platform).
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cinta transportadora.
light switch.
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interruptor para prender y apagar la luz.
Triturador de desperdicios.
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Waste disposal or. garbage disposal.
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la funda de la almuada.
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olán, pliegue.
flat sheet. or bed sheet.
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la sabana para taparse.
fitted. ----- a fitted sheet. ----- He was wearing a fitted shirt.
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elastica, elastico. ajustado, ajustada.
comforter. or bedspread.
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edredón o colcha, para tender la cama.
toothbrush holder.
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el porta cepillos de los dientes.
washer or. washing machine.
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throw pillow.
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el cojin, (para adornar los muebles de la sala).
Sort the laundry... Sort.
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Ordenar Ia ropa.
Clean the lint trap.
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Limpia el filtro de la pelusa.
Unload the dryer.
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Descargar la secadora.
Fold the laundry.
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Doblar la ropa.
Iron the clothes.
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Planchar la ropa.
clothes dryer or. dryer.
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la secadora. (de ropa).
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sillon, sofa de enamorados de la sala.
armchair, or easy chair.
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sillon, sofa de la sala para una sola persona.
rug, or carpet.
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la alfombra.
drain. The drain.
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el desagüe, o el resumidero.
turn off the faucet.
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cerrar el grifo. cerrar la llave.
shower head.
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el cabezal de la regadera.
bath mat.
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tapete de baño.
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cabecera. (de la cama).
bunk bed.
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cama litera.
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El juguete jiratorio que se pone en la cuna para entretener al bebe.
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lemon. The recipe calls for the juice of two lemons.
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limon amarillo grande.
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rotten. rotten wood. rotten teeth. rotten eggs.
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podrido. podrida.
What’s this?.
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betabeles. remolachas.
ripe. a ripe tomato. The apples are nearly ripe.
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maduro. madura. (dicese de las frutas, verduras, etc.).
lime. The recipe calls for the juice of two limes.
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limon verde chiquito.
sweet pepper.
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chile morron. chile pimienta dulce.
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cucharón. el cucharón para servir sopas...
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el tendedero. para tender la ropa.
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sofreir, (medio freir).
to grill.
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azar a la parrilla, y parrilla.
to roast. to broil.
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hornear. (carnes).
frying pan.
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sartén freidor.
carving knife.
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cuchillo tipo serrucho para el pan.
roasting pan.
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sarten con tapadera para hornear o asar.
vegetable peeler.
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pelador de vegetales.
straw hat.
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sombrero de paja para mujer.
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dryer sheets.
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hojas para la secadora.
fabric softener.
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suavisante de tela.
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el burro de planchar. la tabla de planchar.
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ironing board.
wrinkled shirt.
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camisa arrugada.
patron. customer.
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el cliente.
deadbeat. or, loafer.
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holgazan. holgazana.
flashers. turn the emercy flashers on.
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las luces intermitentes, (luces de precausion de un vehiculo.
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calabacita tiernita para comer. calabacín.
night table.
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mesa de noche. el buro de noche que esta al Lado de la cama.
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cebollitas cambrai.
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artichoke tea.
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té de alcachofa.
yams. or sweet potatoes.
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roast beef.
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carne de lomo de res en rebanadas al horno.
garlic press.
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prensa de ajo. la prensa para el ajo.
stewing beef.
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carne para guisar.
thigh. is the part of your leg that is above the knee.
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el muslo. la parte de la pierna humana que está por encima de la rodilla.
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batidor de huevos tipo batidora de mano.
veal cutlets.
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chuletas de ternera.
lamb shanks.
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pedazos de pierna de cordero. (corte entre la cadera y la rodilla).
to check in the luggage. or to check the baggage in, to check the luggage in.
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registrar el equipaje.
What’s this?.
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serving tongs.
las tenazas para agarrar y servir alimentos como el pan, pedazos de carne, pollo, u vegetales.
drumsticks. chicken drumsticks.
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muslos de pollo.
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mollejas. (de pescado, pollo, etc.)
guts. innards. The internal organs of a person or an animal the chicken's edible innards.
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las tripas, los intestinos de personas y animales.
cake pan.
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molde para el pan.
flasher. a man who shows his sexual organs in public.
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Zapatos loafers, Zapatos Mocasines ?.
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loafers shoes.
fitted sheet.
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sábana ajustable elástica a para cubrir o tapar el colchon.
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la pantalla de la lampara.
shank. a piece of meat cut from the upper part of the leg.
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La parte de la pierna entre (la cadera y la rodilla). un trozo de carne cortada de la parte superior de la pierna.
veal cutlets. chicken cutlets.
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chuletas de ternera. chuletas o filete de pollo.
mat. or rug.
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tapete, alfombrilla.
ticket checker.
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boletero, en un tren.
lamb. a young sheep.
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Cordero. borreguito.
Cutlet. - filecutlet.
is a small and thin slice of meat.
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filete o rebanada de carne tipo chuleta.
Sarah has a butterfly tattooed on her midriff.
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Sarah tiene una mariposa tatuada en su estómago.
He is a loafer, or deadbeat who works as little as he can.
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El es un holgazan que trabaja tan poco como le sea posible.
His friends are just a bunch of loafers, or deadbeats.
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Sus amigos son sólo un montón de holgazanes.

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