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relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything
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not typical of someone or something and therefore surprising
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a high-pitched voice or sound is very high
be taken aback
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to be very surprised about something
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the negative part or disadvantage of something
stir up
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to make someone have a strong feeling or a reaction
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suggested or understood without being stated directly
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to make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events
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to find something and bring it back
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clearly different or belonging to a different type
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expressed in a way that is very clear and direct
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appearing to have a particular quality, when this may or may not be true
take on (identity)
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to begin to have a particular quality or appearance
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someone’s identity is their name or who they are
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the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something, especially when this is shown in your behaviour
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behaving in a way that shows you think someone is criticizing you even if they are not
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clearly refusing to do what someone tells you to do
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the act of returning to an earlier condition that is worse or less developed
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the activity of talking to other people, working together with them etc
spark off
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to be the cause of something, especially trouble or violence
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subconscious feelings, desires etc are hidden in your mind and affect your behaviour, but you do not know that you have them
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not useful or not relating to a particular situation, and therefore not important
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the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something
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the way in which two facts, ideas, events etc are related to each other, and one is affected or caused by the other
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to judge how good, useful, or successful something is
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something that happens
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to recognize or express the difference between things or people
act out
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to express your feelings about something through your behaviour or actions, especially when you have been feeling angry or nervous
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the things that a person or animal does
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a sudden short increase in an activity
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a short period of time during which you fail to do something well or properly, often caused by not being careful
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able to understand other people’s feelings and problems
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to feel sympathy with someone or be able to share their feelings
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if you internalize a particular belief, attitude, behaviour etc, it becomes part of your character
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if work or a problem overwhelms someone, it is too much or too difficult to deal with
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a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong
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severe, cruel, or unkind
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to understand or think of something or someone in a particular way
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severe problems, injuries, illnesses etc are very bad or very serious
depend on
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to need the support, help, or existence of someone or something in order to exist, be healthy, be successful etc
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a situation that could possibly happen
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connected or related in a reasonable way to form a whole
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the act or process of controlling or reducing something
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having a very strong effect or felt very strongly
feel at home
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to feel comfortable in a place or with a person
hit home
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if a remark, criticism etc about you hits home, you realize that it is true
eat out of house and home
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to eat a lot of someone's supply of food, so that they have to buy more - used humorously
come home to someone
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to realise, in a deep or sudden way
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to include or show something as a special or important part of something, or to be included as an important part
relate to something
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if two things relate, they are connected in some way
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to break something, or be broken into a lot of small separate parts – used to show disapproval
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all the people who work in a particular industry or company, or are available to work in a particular country or area
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if something belongs somewhere, that is the right place or situation for it
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an idea of how something is, or how something should be done
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difficult to do or deal with
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used to describe something that is surprising because you were not expecting it
stuff like
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used when talking about different activities, subjects, or ideas, when you do not say exactly what these are
take for granted
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to expect that someone or something will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are
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a choice you can make in a particular situation
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to pull a plant and its roots out of the ground
kind of
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slightly but not exactly, or in some ways
grow apart from
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if people drift or grow apart, their relationship slowly becomes less close
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the journey to work every day
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worthless or not likely to have any useful result
green issue
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problems related to the environment
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to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem
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an important new discovery in something you are studying, especially one made after trying for a long time
pitch (tent)
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to put up
put something aside
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keep to be used later
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a cramped room, building etc does not have enough space for the people in it
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able to continue without causing damage to the environment
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a bird with large eyes that hunts at night
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if a vehicle or ship hoots, it makes a loud clear noise as a warning
set up
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to prepare the equipment that will be needed for an activity so that it is ready to be used
shell out
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to pay a lot of money for something, especially unwillingly
fair enough
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used to say that you agree with someone’s suggestion or that something seems reasonable
do one's own thing
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please yourself
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to move, change, or do something without any plan or purpose
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something that is annoying, because it causes problems or is difficult to do
slot in
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to fit something or someone into a plan, organization etc, or to fit in
a stone's throw
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very close to
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to pull a plant and its roots out of the ground
on the spur of the moment
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suddenly, without any previous planning or thought
in a rush
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a situation in which you need to hurry
take part in
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to be involved in an activity, sport, event etc with other people
stick to something
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to do or keep doing what you said you would do or what you believe in, even when it is difficult
tick something off
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to mark the things on a list with a tick to show that they have been dealt with, chosen etc
snap (photo)
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to take a photograph
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a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey
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very large in amount, size, or number
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to fully enjoy a time or experience
backwash effect
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an influence on other areas of your life
face up to
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to accept and deal with a difficult fact or problem
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to successfully control a feeling or problem that prevents you from achieving something
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a quality in someone's character that makes them not like expressing their emotions or talking about their problems
be blown away by
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to make someone feel very surprised, especially about something they like or admire
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polite and showing respect for other people
set out
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to start a journey, especially a long journey
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strong enough, well enough planned etc to continue for a very long time
virtual world
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the world made, done, seen etc on the Internet or on a computer, rather than in the real world
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a person or thing that you use instead of the one that you usually have, because the usual one is not available
in the presence of
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with someone or in the same place as you
tag along
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to go somewhere with someone, especially when they have not asked you to go with them
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boring and ordinary, and having no variety or interest
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a select group of people or things is a small special group that has been chosen carefully
have time to oneself
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have time when you don't have to do anything or be anywhere
self reliant
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able to do or decide things by yourself, without depending on the help or advice of other people
soak up
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to enjoy a place by watching it or becoming involved in it
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something that is difficult to deal with or do because it is complicated and full of problems
fraught with danger
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full of danger
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a person or vehicle that is stranded is unable to move from the place where they are
sleep rough
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to sleep outside with nothing to protect you from the weather, especially because you have no home to live in
pack in
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to do a lot in a limited period of time, or fit a lot of information, ideas etc into a limited space
be marooned in the middle of nowhere
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to be left in a place where there are no other people and where you cannot escape
run the risk of
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to be in a situation where there is a possibility that something bad could happen to you
take time off
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take a holiday from a job or studies
fend for oneself
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to look after yourself without needing help from other people
kick oneself for
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used to say that you are annoyed with yourself because you have done something silly, made a mistake etc
brighten up
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to make something lighter or brighter
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an object that you buy or keep to remind yourself of a special occasion or a place you have visited
sentimental value
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valuable based on or relating to your feelings rather than on practical reasons
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produced in large numbers using machinery, so that each object is the same and can be sold cheaply
in common with
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to have the same interests, attitudes etc as someone else

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