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a deletion of the final element in a word
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a deletion of a vowel within a word
Aphesis (aphaeresis)
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a gradual loss of an unstressed vowel at the beginning of a word
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a deletion of an entire syllable in a seqence of similar articulation
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a type of intrusion in which an extra sound is inserted in a word
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where a sound, usually a vowel, is added finally.
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an addition of a consonant to a word
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an addition of a sound, typically a vowel, between two consonants
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an influence exerted by one sound upon the articulation of another, so that the sounds become more alike or identical,
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a process through which sounds become less alike
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a weakening in overall force of sounds, e.g. voiceless sounds become voiced or stop sounds become fricatives
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an alternation in the normal sequence of elements in a sentence – usually of sounds, but sometimes syllables or words, usually refers to the interchange of two or more contiguous segments or syllables.
nasal souns
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m, n, ng
semi vowels
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j, w
front vowels
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i, e, ae
PG: a >
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> OE: e
PG: u >
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> OE: y
PG: x >
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> OE: h
PG: gj >
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> OE: ćg
WG: an >
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> OE: o
real - time studies
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studies of linguistic change which attempt to investigate language changes oas they happen in actual time by investigating the speech of particular community and then returning a number of years later to investigate how the speech there has changed
apparent time studies
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compares the speech of older speakers with that of younger speaker in a given community
Language obsolescence
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the process by which a language ceases to be actively used and is abandoned by its native speakers in favour of another language/other languages
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an act or instance of destroying a word
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an instance of losing sounds in words
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the fact of words having the same spelling or pronunciation or both, but different meanings
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The process of word formation that creates compound lexemes. Compounding occurs when two or more words or signs are joined to make a longer word or sign.
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the process of adding a morpheme—or affix—to a word to create either a different form of that word or a new word with a different meaning
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the process of creating a new word by removing affixes from an existing word
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the word formation process whereby words belonging to one word class are created from an existing word belonging to another word class without changes to pronunciation or spelling
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shortened form of a word or phrase
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formed from the first or first few letters of each of the words they are based on
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a type of word formation in which two or more words are merged into one so that the blended constituents are either clipped, or partially overlap
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the formation or development of a common noun, a common adjective, or a verb from a proper noun
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a widespread linguistic process in which a part or an exact copy of a word is repeated, often for morphological or syntactic reasons
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the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another
sound symbolism
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the non-arbitrary mappings that exist between phonetic properties of speech sounds and their meaning
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a two-word phrase used in place of a one-word noun
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the process by which the meaning of a word changes to become more generalised over time
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a type of semantic change by which the meaning of a word becomes less general or inclusive than its earlier meaning
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the upgrading or elevation of a word's meaning, as when a word with a negative sense develops a positive one
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when a word gains association with a negative stimulus, to then hold negative connotations
Grimm's Law PIE: bh, dh, gh, gwh >
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> Grimm's Law PG: b, d, g, gw
Grimm's Law PIE: p, t, k, kw >
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> Grimm's Law PG: f, θ, x, xw
Grimm's Law PIE: b, d, g, gw
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> Grimm's Law PG: p, t, k, kw
Verner's Law PIE: bh, dh, gh, gwh >
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> Verner's Law PG: b, d, g, gw
Verner's Law PIE: p, t, k, kw >
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> Verner's Law PG: f, θ, x, xw / b, d, g, gw / p, t, k, kw
Verner's Law PIE: b, d, g, gw >
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> Verner's Law PG: p, t, k, kw
Dumbe hundas ne magon beorcan.
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Dumb dogs cannot bark.
On þissum geāre næs nān færeld tō Rōme, būtan twēgen hlēaperas Ælfred cyning sende mid gewritum.
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On this year there was no journey to Rome, whom King Alfred send with letters
þrīe þegnas cōmon tō Ælfrēde cyninge on ānum bāte.
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Three servants came to King Alfred in one boat.
Đæt wǣron þā ǣrestan sćipu þāra Dena þe Angelcynnes land gesōhton.
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That were the first Danish ships seen on the English land.
Æþelbriht cyning rīcsode fīf geār.
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King Ethelbriht ruled for five years.
Hinguar fǣrlīće, swā swā wulf on land bestealcode and slōg þā lēode, weras, wīf and ćild.
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Hinguar suddenly, like a wolf, came to the aldn and then killed the people, men and womean, and children.
On þȳs geāre Norþhymbre and Ēast Engle hæfdon Ælfrēde cyninge āþas geseald.
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In this year Northumbrians and East Angles had King Alphred give/make vows.
Se mōna and ealle steorran underfoþ lēoht of þǣre sunnan.
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The moon and all of the stars reflect the light from the sun.
On mīnes fæder hūse ealle hȳran hlāf genōhne habbaþ.
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In my father's home all servants have enough bread.
Sum mann hæfde twēgen suna and twā dohtor.
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Some man had two sons, and two daughters.
Hē biþ gelīć þǣm wīsan were se his hūs ofer stān getimbrede
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He is like/similiar to the/a wise man who built his house on the stone
Bēowulf þǣm bātwearde bunden golde sweord gesealde.
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Beowuld gave/sold a sword bound in gold to the boatkeeper.

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