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zgadzam się z tobą
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I agree with you
zgadzam się z tobą
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I agree with you. I agree with you.
zgadzam się z tobą do pewnego stopnia
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I agree. with you. to some point. I agree. with you. to some point.
nie zgadzam się
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I do not agree. I do not agree. I disagree.
nie zgadzam się z tobą.
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I do not agree with you. I do not agree with you. I do not agree with you. I disagree with you.
Czy ty się ze mną zgadzasz?
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Do you agree with me. Do you. agree with me. Do you agree with me.
kłócić się z kimś
Często kłócę się z siostrą tylko dla zasady.
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argue with somebody
I often argue with my sister only on principle.
nie kłóć się ze mną.
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do not argue with me. do not argue with me. don't argue with me. don't argue with me.
Oni dużo się kłócą.
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They argue a lot. They argue a lot. They argue a lot.
czy kłócicie się ze sobą?
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do you argue with each other? do you argue with each other? do you argue with each other? do you argue. with. each. other?
przepraszać kogoś.
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apologize to someone.
Czasem przepraszam moich przyjaciół.
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Sometimes I apologize to my friends. Sometimes. I my friends. Sometimes I apologize to my friends.
Czy on ciebie przeprosił?
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Did he apologize to you? Did he apologize to you? Did he apologize to you? Did. he apologize. to you?
nie chciałem ciebie zranić.
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I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't. hurt. you.
Ja naprawdę nie chciałem ciebie zranić.
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I really didn't mean to hurt you. I really. didn't. mean to. hurt you. I really didn't mean to hurt you.
co masz na myśli?
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what do you mean? what do you. mean? what do. you mean?
nie mogę tego znieść.
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I can not stand it. I can't. I can not stand it. I can't. stand it.
NIe mogę znieść hałasu.
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I can't stand the noise. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand the noise.
być złym na kogoś.
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be angry with someone.
On jest zły na sąsiada.
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He is angry with the neighbor. He is angry with the neighbor. He is angry with the neighbor. He is. angry. with. the neighbor.
mieć czegoś/ kogoś dość
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be fed up with sth/ sb
mam dość korków.
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I'm fed up with traffic jams. I'm fed up with traffic jams. I'm fed.up. with. traffic jams.
czy masz dosć zimnej pogody?
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are you fed up with cold weather? are you fed up with cold weather? are you. fed. up with. cold. weather?
Mam dość zimy.
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I'm fed up with winter. I'm fed up with winter.
zerwać z kimś
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to break up with sb
Jamie zerwała z Piotrem w zeszłym miesiącu.
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Jamie broke up with Peter last month. Jamie broke up with Peter last month. Jamie broke up with Peter last month. Jamie broke up. with. Peter. last month.
liczyć na kogoś.
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count on somebody. count on somebody. count on somebody.
czy mogę na ciebie liczyć?
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Can I count on you? Can I count on you? Can I count on you?
Ona może liczyć na swoich przyjaciół.
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She can count on her friends. She can count on her friends. She can. count on. her friends.
Czy możesz liczyć na pomoc?
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Can you count on help? Can you count on help? Can you. count on help?
radzić sobie z czymś.
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to deal with something.
Zwykle radzę sobie ze wszystkimi problemami.
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I usually deal with all the problems.
Sprzedawca w sklepie ma do czynienia. z klientami.
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The seller in the store deal. with customers.
nie mam z tym do czynienia codziennie.
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I don't deal with this every day. I don't deal with this every day. I don't deal. with. this. every day.
to zależy od ciebie.
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it depends on you. it depends on you. it depends on you.
mój nastrój zależy od pogody.
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my mood depends on the weather. my mood depends on the weather. my mood depends, on the weather.
od czego to zależy?
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what does it depend on? what does it depend on? what does it depend on? what does it depend on?
to zależy od pogody
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it depends on the weather. it depends on the weather. it depends on the weather. it depends. on the, weather.
od czego zależy dobre przyjęcie? what does a good party depend on?
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what does a good party depend on? what does a good party depend on?

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