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Narrowly miss (out on) something
I narrowly missed out on a place at the university.
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Prawie cos przegapic
miss something only by a small amount
In the lead up to
I was very anxious in the time leading up to the event.
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w okresie poprzedzający
If a period of time or series of events leads up to an event or activity, it happens until that event or activity begins:
Cruelty to animals is an abomination.
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obrzydzenie, wstręt, odraza
If you say that something is an abomination, you think that it is completely unacceptable.
to get to do something
Living in Paris is cool because I get to eat nice French food,
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miec szanse cos zrobic
to have the opportunity or chance to do something
calf muscle
As I was running down to meet him, I felt my calf muscle pop.
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mięsień łydki
the muscle down the back of the lower part of your leg
To go pop
As I was running down to meet him, I felt my calf muscle pop.
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wydać z siebie nagły krótki dźwięk (np. powiemy tak o dźwięku wydawanym przez pękający balon)
to break, to make a popping noise as it breaks or comes out
To hobble (along)
He hobbled home on his twisted ankle.
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kuleć, utykać
to walk in an awkward way, usually because the feet or legs are injured
To limp
Three minutes into the game, Jackson limped off the pitch with a serious ankle injury
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to walk slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg or foot:
To stagger
It's a really pathetic view to observe all these staggering teenagers at night time
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chwiejny krok
to walk or move with difficulty as if you are going to fall
When I got the exam results I was absolutely gutted.
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ciężko rozczarowany, zniesmaczony, załamany
very disappointed
Football players must wear groin protectors
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pachwina, krocze
where your “private parts” live
He pulled a hamstring while playing football
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ścięgno udowe
back of the leg
The best excercise for your quads are squats
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mięsień czworogłowy
4 muscles in your thigh
This exercise works your abdominal muscles
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mięśnie brzucha
stomach muscles, ‘six pack’
Kirk had a patch of brown hair between his well-defined pectorals.
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chest muscles
I hope the tendon is just strained and that it would heal in a couple of days.
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Mam nadzieję, że ścięgno jest naciągnięte i że zagoi się w ciągu kilku dni.
She tore a ligament in her knee while she was playing basketball.
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any of the strong fibres (= strips of tissue) in the body that connect bones together, limiting movements in joints
A strain / to strain
It takes a couple of weeks for a calf strain to heal
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naderwanie (np. ścięgna), ból (np. oczu)
to damage a muscle or ligament by using it excessively
To be eligible for something
To be eligible for university in the UK you need an IELTS score of at least 7.
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Aby skwalifikować się do czegoś, być odpowiednim do czegoś
to have the right to do it because you fulfil the correct conditions
a sharp pain
It was just a sharp pain but I never felt in trouble.
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ostry ból
acute pain
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ostry ból
agonizing, intense, severe, excruciating, terrible, extreme
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bolesny, intensywny, surowy, potworny, straszny, ekstremalny
(very very painful)
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okropny bol
(very bad)
great pain
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wielki ból
big not wonderful!
sharp pain
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intensywny ból
a specific pain in a specific point, not a dull pain
throbbing pain
The throbbing in his head made him throw up
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ból pulsujacy
throbbing pain
searing pain
A searing pain shot up her arm.
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piekący ból
If something, such as a feeling or temperature, is described as searing, it is extreme:
dull, little, slight pain
She felt a dull ache at the back of her head
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ćmiący, niewielki, lekki ból
Low level pain
chronic, constant, nagging, persistent
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przewlekły, stały, dokuczliwy, uporczywy
Pain that comes and goes
They were sitting in the shade
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cień (miejsce, gdzie jest cień)
a whole area that is covered from the sun, like under a tree, under an umbrella, under the roof of a house.
He is afraid of his own shadow!
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cień (kształt rzucany przez coś)
specific outline of darkness caused by an object blocking the sun. A shadow is a specific thing, but shade is just general
Keep needing to do something
I kept needing to stop to go to the toilet!
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Wciąż muszę coś zrobić
when a need comes back again and again
feel lightheaded
Sometimes when I stand up too fast I get a bit light headed.
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czuć się oszołomiony
feel rather unsteady and strange, for example because you are ill, you’re tired or because you have drunk too much alcohol.
I often have a quick nap to boost my energy levels.
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zwiększać, pobudzać
something that makes you feel good, or helps you make progress.
The crowds there were astonishing, just amazing.
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nice alternative to amazing
Dressed as
I ran past a guy dressed as Jesus.
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Ubrany jak
that’s the actual outfit
Dressed like
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Ubrany jak
similar to something, but not it exactly.
The cistern
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zbiornik na wodę, (kibelek)
To flush the toilet
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splusisc wode
My legs ached
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general, continuous, dull pain. Usually associated with certain parts of the body (e.g. headache, backache, stomach ache, ear ache, toothache)
Sore = adjective
How’s your throat? It’s still really sore.
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Ból = przymiotnik
it hurts when you use it, or perhaps the surface has been damaged (e.g. sore feet due to rubbing, and walking)
a bruised shoulder/knee/elbow
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a strained knee
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naderwany (np. o ścięgnie)
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w stanie zapalnym
You should call the doctor if the area around the wound becomes inflamed.
"Your face is reddened even by being out for so few minutes."
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