Magda irregular verbs 1

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Вопрос English Ответ English
Wake up, woke up, woken up
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Wake up, woke up, woken up
I woke up yesterday at 5
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She didn’t wake up on time
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I woke up on time this morning
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Drink, drank, drunk
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Drink, drank, drunk
I drank three cups of coffee yesterday.
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Magda drank some water on the lesson.
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Buy, bought, bought
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Buy, bought, bought
Where did you buy this jumper?
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I bought it in a shop.
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My mum bought me a pair of shoes.
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We bought a tent last Sunday.
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Read, red, red
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She red an interesting book last night.
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Did you reed anything yesterday?
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I red 3 books last week.
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Take, took, taken
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Take, took, taken
I took a dog for a walk yesterday.
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She didn't take the dog for a walk yesterday
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She didn't take the dog for a walk yesterday
I took my friend with me
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Steal, stole, stolen
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Steal, stole, stolen
She stole my bike
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She stole my bike
She didn't steal it
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She didn't steal it
Why did you steal the chocolate?
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Why did you steal the chocolate?
Teach, taught, taught,
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Teach, taught, taught,
And you taught me some new words
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And you taught me some new words
She taught me German last week
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She taught me German last week
You taught me many new words
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You taught me many new words
Grow, grew, grown
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Grow, grew, grown
The flowers grew very high last year
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The flowers grew very high last year
She grew 5% in the last month
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Joanna didn't grow last year
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Joanna didn't grow last year
My father grew beautiful flowers in his garden
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Feel, felt, felt,
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Feel, felt, felt,
I felt great this morning
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I felt great this morning
She felt very well yesterday
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I always feel good when the weather is nice
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I always feel good when the weather is nice
Make, Made, made
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Make, Made, made
she made some food yesterday
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she made some food yesterday
I didn't make anything for dinner
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I didn't make anything for dinner
my father made me spaghetti yesterday
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my father made me spaghetti yesterday
Find, found, found
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Find, found, found
When I was in the garden I found a flower
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She found a beautiful object under her bed
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I didn't find any new information about her
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Get, got, got
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Get, got, got
I got a beautiful present for my birthday
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I got a beautiful present for my birthday
She got five dollars from her mum
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She got five dollars from her mum
I got a new bag from my dad
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I got a new bag from my dad
Send, sent, sent
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Send, sent, sent
I sent you an email, did you get it?
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I sent my grandmother flowers for her birthday
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Did you send the letter?
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Fall, fell, fallen
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Fall, fell, fallen
I fell off my bike 3 weeks ago
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Did you fall off the chair?
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Yes I fell off the chair
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When I was walking to school I fell and broke my leg
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She fell and broke her arm
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Choose, chose, chosen
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Choose, chose, chosen
I chose a book for you
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Did you choose this bag yourself?
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When I was 20 I chose to move out of Poland.
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Drive, drove, driven
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Drive, drove, driven
She drove to school in the morning
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My father drove to work at 5
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I didn't drive yesterday, my car was broken
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We drove and drove and drove and drove and finally, we saw a beautiful house.
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Stand, stood, stood
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Stand, stood, stood
She just stood in the middle of the street
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She stood and ate bananas
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I stood on the corner and saw a lion
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Bring, brought, brought,
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Bring, brought, brought,
She brought me a present, it was a dog
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I brought you some cookies, please take one
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I brought three sandwiches with ham to school today
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Why did you bring the dog to our lesson?
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I brought him because he was lonely
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Give, gave, given
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Give, gave, given
She gave me chocolate and I ate it
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I gave you homework, please do it
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Magda gave me 150 for the lessons
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My mom didn't give me any money today I will pay you on the next lesson
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Ride, rode, ridden
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Ride, rode, ridden
I rode the bike all day yesterday
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My mom rode a horse on Friday
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Magda, have a good holiday and remember to listen to this recording. bye
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