L6 the future of work

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to tackle novel situations
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radzić sobie z nowymi sytuacjami, deal with new situations
artificial intelligence
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sztuczna inteligencja, AI, the use of computer technology to make computers and other machines think and do things in the way that people can
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zakłócenie, a problem or action that interrupts something and prevents it from continuing
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algorytm, a set of rules used by a computer to solve problems
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spór sądowy, the process of taking a case to a court
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przewyższają, to do better than others
to match
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pasować (do reszty stroju), to be as good as something or someone
to assess
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postawić ocenę, to evaluate, to estimate
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ocena, a mark/ a grade
to mimic
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naśladować, to imitate, to copy movements
to automate
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zautomatyzować, to change a process to it works by the use of machines
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grozić, to frighten, to terrify others
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wątki, themes or characteristics
the cutting edge of machine learning
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najnowocześniejsza technologia uczenia maszynowego, up-to-date machine learning
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przełomy, important discoveries or developments
to shrink
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Kurczyć, to becoma smaller in size

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