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De quien es esto?
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Whose is this?
De quien son estos libros?
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Whose books are these?
De quien es el boligrafo?
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Whose pen is it?
Tienes que llevarles al aeropuerto?
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do you have to take them to the airport?
Tiene que estar listo manana?
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does it have to be ready tomorrow?
Tenemos que traer comida?
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do we have to bring any food?
Es una ciudad muy bonita
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It is a very beautiful city.
Es una pelicula muy aburrida
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It is a very boring movie.
Es una dicision muy dificil
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It is a very difficult decision.
Por que no estas vestido?
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Why aren't you dressed?
Por que no estaba cansada?
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Why wasn't she tired?
Por que no estaban en la reunion?
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Why weren't they at the meeting?
Por que no quieren que ella vaya?
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Why don't they want her to go?
Por que no tiene sentido?
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Why doesn't it make sense?
Hay menos arboles en mi calle que en la tuya
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There are fewer trees in my street than in yours.
Hay menos nieve en verano que en invierno.
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There is less snow in summer than in winter.
No bebemos tanto café como Alan
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We don't drink as much coffee as Alan.
Londres no es tan hermoso como Paris
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Londres isn't as beautiful as Paris
Nos dijeron que no sabian
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They told us they didn’t know.
Ellos dijeron que no sabian
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They said they didn't know.
Quiero que haga un buen trabajo
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I want him to do a good job.
El quiere que ella se casa con el
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He wants her to married with him.
El quiere que yo aprenda
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He wants me to learn.
Quieren que nuestro jefe vaya a su casa a cenar
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They want our boss to go to their house for dinner.
Ella no quiere que yo lo escuche.
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She doesn't want me to listen it.
No queremos que paseis por Dallas.
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We don't want you to go through Dallas.
No quiero que te vayas
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I don't want you to leave.
El no quiere que lleguemos antes de las 18:00.
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He doesn't want us to get there before 6:00 PM
No quiero que me vean.
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I don't want them to see me.
Quieres que te llame luego?
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Do you want me to call you later?
Quiere (ella) que traduzcas ese documento?
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Does she want you to traslate this document?
Quiere (el) que trabajeis hasta tarde esta noche?
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Does he want you to work late tonight?
Donde quieres que te lleve?
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Where do you want me to take you?
Cuando quieres que estemos ahi?
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When do you want us to be there?
Que quiere (el) que hagan ellos?
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What does he want them to do?
Querias que lloviese?
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did you want it to rain?
El no queria que fueramos a la fiesta
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He didn't want us to go to the party
Ellos querian que nos fueramos a casa
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They wanted us to go home.
Nosotros queriamos que vinierais aqui
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We wanted you to come here.
Hay demasiadas reuniones hoy?
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Are there too many meetings today?
Hay demasiados libros en la balda?
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Are there too many books on the shelf.
Hay demasiado ruido en este pub.
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There is too much noise in this pub.
Hay demasiadas cosas que hacer hoy?
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Are there too many things to do today?
El agua no es lo suficientemente escasa como para ser cara.
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Water isn't scarce enough to be expensive.
Creo que el plato esta suficientemente caliente.
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I think the dish is hot enough.
Hay suficiente dinero en mi cuenta
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There is enoug money in my account
Hay suficientes refrecos en el frigorifico?
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Are there enough sodas in the frigde?
Hay tiempo de sobra
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There is a plenty of time.
Hay dinero de sobra
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There is a plenty of money.
Hay bastante probreza
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There is quite a lot of poverty.
Hay bastante gente
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There are quite a few people.
Hay bastante frio
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There is quite a bit of cold
Hay bastantes conceptos
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There are quite of few concepts.
a mistake
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to make
a change
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to make
a choice
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to make
a decision
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to make
a promise
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to make
a fortune
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to make
a list
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to make
a noise
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to make
the bed
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to make
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to make
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to make
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dinner на английском языке
to make
a phone call
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to make
an appointment
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to make
a job
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to do
a favor
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to do
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to do
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to do
the shopping
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to do
the dishes
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to do
the washing up
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to do
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to do
the housework
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to do
Me preparo con prisa cada manana.
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I get ready in a hurry every morning.
El se pone nervioso cuando dona sangre.
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He gets nervous when he gives blood.
Ella no se cansa con facilidad. Es la candidata perfecta.
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She doesn't get tired easily. She is the perfect candidate.
Mis hijos no se aburren cuando estan conmigo.
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My children don't get bored when they are with me.
No te pongas celoso. Recibiras un regalo por tu cumpleano tb.
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Don't get jealous. You will get a sift for your birthday.
? Se ensucian los ninos cuando estan en el parque?
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Do kids get dirty when they are at the playground?
? Te pones malo cuando comes demasiao?
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Do you get sick when you eat too much?
? Se enfada (ella) cuando tiene que trabajar tarde?
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Does she get angry when She has to work late?
?Cuanto se tarda en aprender a hablar Latin?
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How long does it take to learn how to speak Latin?
?Cuanto se tarda en hacer una tarta?
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How long does it take to make a pie?
?Cuanto tardas en llegar al trabajo?
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How long does it take you to get to work?
?Cuanto tarda (el) en lavar el coche?
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How long does it take him to wash the car?
?Cuanto tardas en hacer cuentas en la cabeza?
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How long does it take you to do sums in your head?
Tardo horas en hacer mi trabajo.
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it takes me hours to do my work.
Tardo meses en tomar una decision
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it takes me months to make a decision.
Ordenadores anticuados tardan un minuto en calentarse.
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It takes a minute for old computers to warm up.
Ciertos medicamentos tardan dos semanas en empezar a funcionar.
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It takes two weeks for certain drugs to start working.
Se tarda 40 anos en pagar una hipoteca en Espana.
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It takes 40 years to pay for mortgage in Spain.
Pluton tarda 248 anos en dar la vuelta al sol.
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It takes 248 years for Pluto to go around the sun.
No se tarda mucho en ver el museo entero.
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It doesn’t take long to see the whole museum.
No se tardan cinco horas en conducir hasta aqui.
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It doesnn't take 5 hours to drive there.
No tardo mucho en prepararme.
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It doesn't take me long to get ready.
? Tarda (ella) dos horas en hacer sus deberes?
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does it take her two hours to do her homework?
? Tardan mucho en llegar hasta ahi?
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Does it take them to get here?
El programa de radio dura dos horas
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The radio show lasts two hours.
Los tomates duran meses en la nevera
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Tomatoes last weeks in the frigde.
?Cuanto duro la pelicula?
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How long did the film last?
El reportaje duro 20 minutos.
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The news report lasted twenty minutes.
He empezado a aprender ingles esta semana.
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I have begun to learn English this week.
Ella ha perdido sus llaves en la calle.
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She has lost her keys on the street.
Ellos han oido las noticias hoy.
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They have heard the news today.
? Has estado en Alemania alguna vez?
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Have you ever been to Germany?
? Has estado en USA alguna vez?
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Have you ever been to the US?
? Has leido el Quijote alguna vez?
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Have you ever read El Quijote?
? Has jugado al golf alguna vez?
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Have you ever played golf?
Aun soy estudiante
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I'm still student.
Ella aun esta trabajando en la misma compania.
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She is still working at the same company.
Esa aun es mi cancion favorita.
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That is still my favorite song.
? Aun estais detras del principal competidor?
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Are you still behind the main competitor?
? Aun estan de camino al hotel?
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Are they still on their way back to the hotel?
Ya no se que hacer.
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I don’t know what to do anymore.
El ya no es un nino.
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He isn't a child anymore.
Ya no trabajan en Barkclays.
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They don’t work for Barklays anymore.
Ella ya no esta en Kansas
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She doesn't in Kansas anymore.
Aun no he estado en Paris.
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I haven’t been to Paris yet.
Aun no he llegado a casa.
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I haven't gotten home yet.
?Habeis comido ya?
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Have you eaten yet?
? Estan ellas listas ya?
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Are they ready yet?
Aun no se ha confirmado
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It hasn't been confirmed yet.
Ya he visto esa pelicula.
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I have already seen that movie.
Ya hemos ido a ese restaurante una vez este mes.
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We have already gone to that restaurante once this month.
Ya he pagado la factura de la luz
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I have alredy paid the electricity bill.
Podeis dejar de hablar. Ya me habeis convencido.
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Can you stop talking. You have already convinced me.
Ya he llegado
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I have already arrived.
Ella solo tiene 27 anos y ya tiene su propia casa.
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She is only 27 years old and she already has her own house.
Ya son los mejores jugadores de tenis del club
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They are already the best tennis players at the club.
Durante cuanto tiempo ha estado lloviendo?
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How long has it been raining for?
El nos ha estado llamando durante una semana.
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He has been calling us for a week.
Durante cuanto tiempo ha estado ella bebiendo?
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How long has she been drinking for?
Ella lleva mucho tiempo sin nadar.
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She hasn't been swimming for ages.
Cuanto tiempo llevas trabajano aqui.
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How long have you been working here for?
Hace 5 minutos que el se fue.
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It's been 5 minutes since he left.
Hace anos que no te veo.
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It's been years since I saw you.
Hace meses que no usamos el garage.
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It's been months since we used the garage.
?Hace mucho desde que no vais al medico?
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has it been long since you went to the doctor?
?Hace mucho desde que pusiste el pollo en el horno?
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has it been long since you put the chicken in the oven?
?Hace mucho desde que terminaste la Universidad?
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has it been long since you finished university?
?Cuanto tiempo hace desde que has visto las noticias?
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How long has it been since you watched the news.
?Cuanto tiempo hace desde que vamos a bailar?
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How long has it been since we went dancing?
?Cuanto tiempo hace desde que vinieron a cenar?
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How long has it been since he came for dinner?
Fui al colegio durante doce anos.
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I went to the school for 12 years.
Hicieron la cena durante los anuncios.
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They made dinner during the commercials.
Fui a la Universidad mientras trabajaba.
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I went to university while I worked.
La conozco desde 1988
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I've known her since 1988.
Le conoci en una fiesta.
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I met him at a party.
Nos encontramos todos los dias para tomar café a las 11.
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We meet for coffee at 11 am every day.
El consejo de seguridad se reune cada 6 meses.
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The Security Council meets every 6 months.
Nos conocimos hace 15 anos.
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We met 15 years ago.
?Llamo yo y hago la reserva?
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Shall I call and I make the reservation?
?Abro la ventana?
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Shall I open the window?
?Conduzco yo esta noche?
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Shall I drive tonight?
?Salimos esta noche?
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Shall we go out tonight?
?Cenamos pescado?
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Shall we have fish for dinner?
?Les ofrecemos pagar por adelantado?
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Shall we offer to pay them in advance?
Cenemos con ellos manana.
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Let's have dinner with them tomorrow.
No vayamos a Paris, vayamos a Londres.
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Let's not go to Paris, let's go to London.
Demosles un poco mas de tiempo.
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Let's give them a little more time.

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