Imperative sentences - Frases imperativas

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Imperative sentences are used to give an order, a warning, and advice, a suggestion, an instruction or a request to a person.
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Las frases imperativas se usan para dar ordenes, advertencias, consejos, instrucciones o hacer alguna solicitud.
Close the door.
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Cierra la puerta.
Let's eat something.
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Vamos a comer algo.
Feel free to call me later.
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No dudes en llamarme más tarde.
Don't cry.
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No llores.
Park in the lot nearby.
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Aparcar en el aparcamiento cercano.
Don't lie to me!
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No me mientas!
Don't hit your brother!
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No le pegues a tu hermano!
Let's go!
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Do your homework.
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Haz tus deberes.
Wash your hands before eat.
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Lávete las manos antes de comer.
Tell me the truth.
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Dime la verdad.
Take a right at the corner.
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Gire a la derecha en la esquina.
Send her an email.
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Envíale un correo electrónico.

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