il tempo libero

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Do you have any question?
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hai qualche domanda?
I have no question to ask you
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Non ho domanda da farti
ho delle domande da farti
to play
grać na instrumencie
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since when
od kiedy
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da quando
last year
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l'anno scorso
lo scorso anno
to sign up
zapisać sie
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to work out
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начать обучение
начать обучение
начать обучение
nie powtarzamy 2x e
na zywo
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dal vivo
at the weekend
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nel fine settimana
more or less an hour
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più o meno un'ora
do the exercises
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fare gli esercizi
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da soli
make friends
przyjaźnić sie
начать обучение
fare amicizia
I would like to start reading
начать обучение
vorrei iniziare a leggere
It depends
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For example, last time, where were you?
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per esempio l'ultima volta, dove siste stati?
what did you do?
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che cosa avete fatto?
we played
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abbiamo giocato
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to find
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начать обучение
начать обучение
have a rest
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the shore
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la riva
Your husband is from Warsaw
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Tuo marito è di Varsavia
comes from
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viene da
comes to
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viene a
from to
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da a
I work from 8 to 4
начать обучение
lavoro dalle 8 alle 4
I stayed at home
начать обучение
sono stata a casa
I relaxed
начать обучение
mi sono rilassata
I didn't do anything interesting
начать обучение
Non ho fatto niente di interesante
nothing special
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niente di speciale
I do not remember
начать обучение
Non mi ricordo
what have I done
начать обучение
che cosa ho fatto
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spędzać, przechodzić
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начать обучение
what can we do in our free time?
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che cosa possiamo fare nel tempo libero?
I meet my friends
начать обучение
io incontro i miei amici
I meet up with my friends
начать обучение
io mi incontro con miei amici
I'm going to meet my friends
начать обучение
io vado a trovare i miei amici
andare a trovare
I'm with my friends
начать обучение
io mi trovo con i miei amici
the doctor visits the patient
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il dottore visita il paziente
we can meet the parents
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possiamo incontrare i genitori
we can go to the gym
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possiamo andare in palestra
and even eat lunch or ice cream together
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e anche mangiare insieme il pranzo o il gelato
I like trying new things
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mi piace provare le cose nuove
I like doing new things
начать обучение
mi piace fare le cose nuove
I often watch movies on Netflix
начать обучение
spesso guardo su Netflix dei film
we often hang out/meet up with our friends
начать обучение
spesso ci troviamo/incontriamo con i nostri amici
what are you doing?
Co wy robicie?
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che cosa fate?
let's play with board games
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giochiamo con i giochi in scatola
Board games
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I giochi da tavolo
let's play board games
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giochiamo ai giochi in scatola
No. Stop
начать обучение
no, basta
in my free time I love it
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nel mio tempo libero adoro
I love playing the piano
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adoro suonare il pianoforte
last year I signed up for a course to learn to play the guitar
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l'anno scorso mi sono iscritto a un corso per imparare a suaonare la chitarra
I train with my childhood friends
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mi alleno con I miei amici d'infanzi
I started playing football at the age of 6
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ho iniziato a giocare a calcio all'età di 6 anni
My favourite sport
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il mio sport preferito
My favorite books which i read
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I libri che preferisco leggere
those of adventure
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quelli di avventura
I have to finish reading it at any cost!
начать обучение
devo finire di leggerlo ad ogni costo!
I go out with friends from university
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esco gli amici dell'università
let's go have an aperitif
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andiamo a fare un aperitivo
at the bar near the square
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al bar vicino a piazza
in some venue to listen to some good live music
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in qualche locale per ascoltare della buona musica dal vivo
Since I've been retired I have a lot of free time
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da quanto sono in pensione ho tantissimo tempo libero
I can do a lot of things
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posso fare tanto cose
I've been playing in a musical group for about a year
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da circa un anno suono in un gruppo musicale
We meet twice a week to rehearse
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ci troviamo due volte all settimana per fare le prove
for two hours
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per due ore
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go to the concerts
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andare ai concerti
every evening
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tutte le sere
after the news
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dopo il telegiornale
my husband and I
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io e mio marito
let's play a game of cards
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facciamo una partita a carte
I almost always win
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quasi sempre vinco io
We rest at the weekend
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Nel weekend ci riposiamo
if the weather is nice we like to go for long walks
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se il tempo è bello ci piace fare delle lunge passeggiate
by the sea
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in riva al mare
for this reason I don't have much free time
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per questo motivo non ho molto tempo libero
I work 8 hours and when I come home I often have to clean and tidy the house
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Lavoro 8 ore e quando torno a casa spesso devo pulire e riordinare la casa
I have to prepare food for everyone
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devo preparare da mangiare per tutti
During the week I don't have time to do anything
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Durante la settimana non ho tempo per fare niente
but on Saturday evening
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però il sabato sera
I'm going to a tango class with my husband
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vado con mio marito a un corso di tango
we are very good at dancing
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siamo molto bravi a ballare
On Sunday mornings, however, I leave my children with my husband
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La domenica mattina invece lascio i miei figli con mio marito
for two hours
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per due ore
when I get home we all have lunch together
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quando torno a casa pranziamo tutti insieme
then we always go to the park
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poi andiamo sempre al parco
to eat an ice cream in the ice cream shop near the centre
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a mangiare un gelato nella gelateria vicino al centro
if the weather is bad we go to my parents instead
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se il tempo è brutto invece andiamo dai miei genitori
Let's spend some time together
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trascorriamo un po' di tempo insieme
maybe in a few years
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forse tra qualche anno
when my children are older
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quando I miei figli saranno più grandi
I will have more free time to dedicate to my passions such as horse riding
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avrò più tempo libero da dedicare alle miei passioni come l'equitazione
What can I do in my free time?
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che cosa posso fare nel tempo libero?
playing video games
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qiocare con i videogiochi
go to
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andare a teatro
play an instrument
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suonare uno strumento

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