Greek gods and goddesses

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Who is the god of the sky?
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Who is Zeus?
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The god of the sky
Who is the goddess of marriage, mothers and families?
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Who is Era?
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The goddess of marriage, mothers and families
Who is the god of the sea?
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Who is Poseidon?
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The god of the sea
Who is the goddess of agriculture?
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Who is Demeter?
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The goddess of agriculture
Who is the god of war?
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Who is Ares?
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The god of war
Who is the goddess of wisdom, war and arts?
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Who is Athena?
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The goddess of wisdom, war and arts
Who is the god of archery, music, poetry, prophecy, medicine and the sun?
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Who is the goddess of the moon, hunt and young maidens?
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Who is Hephaestus?
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The god of blacksmiths and fire
Who is the goddess of love and beauty?
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Who is Aphrodite?
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The goddess of love and beauty
Who is Hermes?
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The god of the roadways, travelers, merchants and thieves
Who is the god of wine?
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Who is Dionysus?
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The god of wine
Who is the god of the underworld?
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Who is Hypnos?
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The god of sleep
Who is Nike?
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The goddess of victory
Who is the goddess of revenge?
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Who is Iris?
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Goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods
Who is Hecate?
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Goddess of magic, crossroads and ghosts
Who is Tyche?
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Goddess of good luck and fortune

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