Globalization questions

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1. Which form of FDI has the most positive impact on country's development
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2. Which of the following type of international investment is essentially long-term
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Which of the following countries has been recently (2020) the biggest recipient of FDI?
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United States
Which Transnational corporation is the most internationalized according to the value of foreign assets
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Which of the following Countries has been recently (2020) the biggest source of FDI?
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The average profitability of FDI over some recent years
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is between 5% and 10%
What was the main cause (transmission mechanism) of crisis in the Baltic States
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-Sudden stop and capital flight
International transmission of the crisis known as "spillover effects" is based on
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-Trade linkages
International transmission of a crisis, which can be observed in the current account of the balance of payments may include:
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-A decrease in workers’ remittances
International transmission of a crisis, which can be observed in the financial account of the balance of payments may include:
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-A significant outflow of portfolio and other investment (sudden stop)
Capital adequacy requirements and necessity to fire-sell assets or freeze credit action are the elements of ... financial amplification mechanism
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-Banks' balance sheet
The policy instrument used initially to prevent or stop panics and runs on banks was
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-Increasing bank deposit guarantees
Uncertainty amplification mechanism is related to
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-A lack of reliable risk assessment models for complex financial instruments
A synthetic CDO
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-Is based on a "reference portfolio" and backed by a CDS
Which was the direct trigger of the recent (2008-15) crisis?
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-A meltdown of the American mortgage market
The biggest increase in recent global flows concerns
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-Data flows
KOF globalization index
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-Takes into account economic, social and political dimensions
According to KOF globalization index, the most globalized countries are
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-Small open and developed economies
Which of the following regional trade arrangements functions in North America?
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Which of the following sentences is characteristic for “transformationalists”?
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We may and should govern globalization processes
Which of the following words describes well globalization
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Which of the following actors are the least important in globalization
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-Individuals (e. g John Smith)
An increased interconnection between states within the same geographic area is
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Among the top-10 companies in terms of sales, there is the most of
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-Oil companies
Which of the following organizations is not a part of the United Nations System
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The headquarters of the IMF and the World Bank are located in:
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IMF and the World Bank were created
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After World War II in Bretton Woods
Which of the following World Bank Group institutions does not grant loans
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Two types of loans granted by the IMF which dominate in terms of total amounts outstanding are
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-SBA and EFF
Conditionality of the IMF means that
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A country must agree on some conditions (in an MoU) to get the loan
The idea that imported and locally produced goods should be treated equally is called
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-National clause
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
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-Was incorporated as a part of legal basis of the WTO
The representants of each WTO members working permanently at the WTO headquarters never form the following decision-making body
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-The Ministerial Conference
Which WTO member which is not a party to any regional trade arrangement?
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-Mongolia -North Korea -South Korea -None is correct
The WTO was created
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-In Marakesh (in 1994, as a conclusion of Uruguay round of GATT negotiations)
In general, the lowest tariffs (effective, trade weighted) characterize
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-The most developed countries
The Most Favoured Nation (MFN) clause means in principle that
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-A country cannot discriminate between countries enjoying MFN (WTO members)
Which of the following is the most frequent form of economic integration
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-Free Trade Area
Which of the following is the most advanced form of economic integration
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-Economic Union
Which of the following is not an exception from the Most favoured nation (MFN) clause
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-National treatment
Which member of Mercosur was suspended in 2016?
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Which of the countries is not a member of ECCU?
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In trade balance with USMCA partners:
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Mexico and Canada have a surplus, while USA - deficit
Who is the supreme decision making body for WHO?
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The World Health Assembly
Which of the following UN members is not a member of WHO?
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