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Zostanę tam przez ponad tydzień.
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I will be staying there for over a week.
Zostanę tam przez ponad tydzień.
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I will.be. staying. there. for. over. a week. I will be staying there for over a week.
Jak długo pan tutaj zostanie?
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How long will you be staying here? How long will you be staying here? How. long. will. you.be. staying. here? How long will you be staying here?
Będę opiekować się dziećmi mojej kuzynki
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5. I’ll be babysitting my cousin’s children. 5. I’ll be babysitting my cousin’s children. 5. I will.be. babysitting.my. cousin’s. children
1. Czy będziesz rozmawiał z sąsiadem jutro po południu?
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Will you be talking to your neighbor tomorrow afternoon? Will you be talking to. your. neighbour. tomorrow. afternoon?
1. Czy będziesz rozmawiał z sąsiadem jutro po południu?
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Will you be talking to your neighbor tomorrow afternoon? Will you.be. talking.to. your. neighbor tomorrow afternoon?
2. Czy będziecie podróżować w przyszłym roku?
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Will you be traveling next year? Will you be traveling next year? Will. you.be. traveling. next. year? Will you be traveling next year?
Jak długo tutaj zostaniesz w tym hotelu w przyszłym tygodniu?
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How long will you be staying here at this hotel next week? How long will you be staying here at this hotel next week? How long will you be. staying. here.at. this. hotel. next. week? How long will you be staying here at this hotel next week?
5. Czy jutro o tej porze będziecie pracowali?
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Will you be working at this time tomorrow?
5. Czy jutro o tej porze będziecie pracowali?
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Will you be working at this time tomorrow? Will you be working at this time tomorrow? Will. you.be. working.at. this. time. tomorrow? Will you be. working. at this. time. tomorrow?
Kto będzie występować w tym filmie?
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Who will be acting in this movie? Who will be acting in this movie? Who. will.be. acting.in. this. movie?
Będę rozmawiać z prezesem jutro po południu.
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I will be speaking to the president tomorrow afternoon. I will be speaking to the president tomorrow afternoon. I will be speaking. to the. president. tomorrow. afternoon. I will be speaking to the. president. tomorrow. afternoon.
Czy będzie pan jadł śniadanie wcześnie rano?
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Will you be having breakfast early in the morning? Will you be having breakfast early in the morning? Will you be having. breakfast. early. in the. morning? Will you be having. breakfast. early. in the. morning?
co będziesz robiła w Nowym Yorku?
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what will you be doing in new york? what. will. you.be. doing.in. new. york? what will you be doing. in new york?
czy oni będą wynajmować ten samochód w przyszłym miesiącu?
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will. they.be. renting. this. car. next. month? will they be renting this car next month? will they be. renting this. car. next. month?
Oni będą pracowali nad tym projektem cały weekend.
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They'll be working on this project all weekend. They'll be. working.on. this. project. all. weekend. They'll be working. on this. project. all. weekend. They'll be working on this project all weekend. They'll be working. on this. project. all weekend.
Nie będziemy odpowiadali na wasze pytania.
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We will. not.be. answering. your. questions. We will. not.be. answering. your. questions. We will. not.be. answering. your. questions.
Będę podróżować w przyszłym roku.
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I will be traveling next year. I will be traveling next year. I will be. traveling next. year. I. will.be. traveling. next. year.
będę się starał mieć (spędzić) dobrze czas.
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I will be trying having nice time. I will be trying having nice time. I will be trying having nice time. I will be trying. having. nice time.
Kto będzie nas słuchał podczas wykładu
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Who will be. listening.to. us. during. the. lecture. Who will be. listening.to. us. during. the. lecture. Who will be. listening.to. us. during. the. lecture. lecture
Bedę pracował cały poranek.
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I'll be working all morning. I'll be working all morning. I'll be working all morning. I will.be. working. all. morning.
Czy będziesz pracować cały dzień?
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Will you be working all day? Will you be working all day? Will you be working all day? Will. you be. working. all. day?
Będę tutaj siedziała cały czas.
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I'll be sitting here all the time. I'll be sitting here all the time. I'll be sitting here all the time. I will.be. sitting. here. all. the time.
będziemy jechać (pojedziemy) pociągiem
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we will be taking a train. we will be taking a train. we will be taking a train.
Będę czekała na przystanku.
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I will be. waiting.at. the. bus. stop. I will be. waiting.at. the. bus. stop. I will be. waiting.at. the. bus. stop. I will be. waiting.at. the. bus. stop.
Kto będzie na nas czekać?
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Who will be waiting for us? Who will be waiting for us? Who. will.be. waiting. for us? Who will be waiting for us?
Kto będzie prowadzić samochód?
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Who will be driving the car? Who. will.be. driving. the. car? Who will be driving the car? Who. will.be. driving. the. car?
jutro będę potwierdzał naszą rezerwację
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I'l be. confirming. our. booking. tomorrow. I'l be confirming our booking tomorrow. I'l be confirming our booking tomorrow. I'l be confirming. our. booking. tomorrow.
Będę odpoczywał cały dzień jutro.
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I will be resting. all. day. tomorrow. I will be resting. all. day. tomorrow. I will be resting. all. day. tomorrow. I will.be. resting. all. day. tomorrow.
Będę słuchał muzyki przez cały czas,
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I will be. listening.to. music. all. the. time. I will be. listening.to. music. all. the. time. I will be. listening.to. music. all. the. time.
Będę pić kawę i czytać gazetę.
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I will be drinking. coffee. and. reading. the newspaper. I will be drinking. coffee. and. reading. the newspaper. I will be drinking. coffee. and. reading. the newspaper. I will be drinking. coffee. and. reading. the newspaper.

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