formal language

 0    62 карточки    joannadobosz0
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it's a bit more expensive
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it is slightly more expensive.
it's more expensive-bit not much more
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it is somewhat expensive
it's far more expensive
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It is considerably more expensive.
The meeting did not begin.
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The meeting did not commence.
I fail to understand how such a mistake could have been made.
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I fail to comprehend how such a mistake could have been made.
We hope to answer to your letter as soon as possible.
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We hope to respond to your letter as soon as possible.
We will recommend you.
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We will advise you.
She buys the necessary equipment.
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She purchases the necessary equipment.
This car will need a service.
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This car will require a service.
Our profits should cross ten million pounds this year.
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Our profits should exceed ten million pounds this year.
Hostilities will stop at midnight.
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Hostilities will cease at midnight.
We had to look for the answer.
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We had to seek the answer.
seek - odmiana
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seek sought sought
He has to refuse your kind invitation.
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He has to decline your invitation.
They decided to keep to their original plan despite the added complication.
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They decided to adhere to their original plan despite the added complication.
Near the end of the film they meet a man.
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Near the end of the film they encounter a man.
Please send your payment to the above address.
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Please remit your payment to the above address.
We have decided to end our agreement.
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We have decided to terminate our agreement.
She was unable to find out what exactly had happened.
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She was unable to ascertain what exactly had happened.
We will pay our employees for working these extra hours.
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We will remunerate our employees for working these extra hours.
He failed to get the necessary permit.
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He failed to obtain the necessary permit.
She had to rise/increase her income.
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She had to augment her income.
After talking to staff we can see a need for a more efficient method of communicating decisions.
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After talking to staff we can percive a need for a more efficient method of communicating decisions.
A week passed before he contacted them again.
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A week elapsed before he contacted them again.
The law they passed should simplify the setting up of small businesses.
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The law they passed should facilitate the setting up of small businesses.
Follow the rules.
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Adhere to rules.
Just to say I want an interview for the job in today's paper.
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I am writing to apply for the post advertised in today's newspaper.
Just to say the meeting is ok on the 26th.
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I am writing to confirm the meeting on the 26th.
It' s about your letter on 3 June.
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With reference to your letter OF 3 June.
Thanks for asking me to speak at your conference.
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I would like to thank you for inviting me to speak at your conference.
I'm happy to come to the conference.
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I would be delighted to attend the conference.
See you there.
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I look forward to seeing you there.
We've had complaints so we're looking at the situation.
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Further to recent complaints, we are reviewing the situation.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
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Do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
We agreed to sack Mr Jones.
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It was agreed to relieve Mr Jones from his duties.
Can you help me?
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I would be grateful if you could provide me with any assistance.
set up a sister company
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investigate a sister company
Carry out more research in this area.
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Conduct more research in this area.
Strengthen our position.
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Consolidate our position.
Look into the problem.
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Establish the problem.
Buy the new material.
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Purchase the new material.
Think about the possibility of selling direct.
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Explore the possibility of selling direct.
Move our headquarters to Manchester.
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Relocate our headquarters to Manchester.
Combine 2 departments.
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Amalgamate 2 departments.
Show the importance of the project.
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Demonstrate the importance of the project.
Work out exactly what our margines are.
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Calculate exactly what our margines are.
Speed up the development of the product.
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Accelerate the development of the product.
Break into new markets.
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Penetrate new markets.
Pay staff.
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Remunerate staff.
Send the goods within the month.
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Dispatch the goods within the month.
Work together on the design of the product.
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Collaborate on the design of the product.
Make us of our cross- cultural expertise.
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Exploit our cross-cultural expertise.
Use all our resources.
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Utilize all our resources.
Build in several new product features.
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Incorporate several new product features.
Think up an immediate plan of action.
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Formulate an immediate plan of action.
Take advantage of the new opportunities.
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Capitalize on the new opportunities.
I'd be happy if you could...
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I would appreciate if you could...
send sth back
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return sth
They asked for
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They requested
I need
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I require
Get reply
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receive reply
because of
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owing to

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