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tonsilar branch która przebija buccopharyngeus
Co przebija buccopharyngeus
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tonsilar branch of ascending palatine a, oraz tensor velli palatini tendon
Sphenosalphingostaphylinus przebija
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Pterygomandilar raphe oddziela buccintor
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od buccopharyngeus
pomiędzy myhlopharyngeus a glossopharyngeus co idzie
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styloglossal muscle
Styloglossus dostaje się pomiędzy
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myhlopharyngeus a glossopharyngeus of superior pharyngeal constrictor
Pomiędzy chondropharyngeus a ceratopharyngeus
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przez GAP 1 przechodzi
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cartilaginous part of auditory tube, levator veli palatini m (petrosalphigostaphylinus), ascending palatine a,
gap 1 jest nad
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gap 1 jest pokryty
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pharyngobasilar fascia
2. Gap 2 of pharyngeal wall jest pomiędzy
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glossopharyngeus i chondropharyngeus
2. Gap 2 of pharyngeal wall przechodzi przez nią
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glosspoharyngeal n (IX), stylopharyngeus m., stylohyoid lig
2. Gap 2 of pharyngeal wall is between
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superior and Middle pharyngeal constrictors
buccinator jest przebity przez
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parotid duct
GAP 3 transmits the
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internal branch of Sup laryngeal n + a i v
GAP 3 miedzy
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ceratopharyngeus a thyropharyngeus
GAP 3 co przechodzi
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przechodzi superior laryngeal nerve (internal branch) artery I vein
Sup laryngeal n łuk skrzelowy
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!!! GAP 3 ku przodowi znajduje się
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język i jego mięsień hyoglossus
Co przechodzi medial surface of hyoglossus
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glossopharyngeal n (IX), stylohyoid lig, chondropharyngeus m, Middle pharyngeal constrictor m, genioglossus m, lingual a. superior Root of lingual v,
Co przechodzi lateral surface of hyoglossus
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lingual n, submandibular duct, inferior Root of lingual v, superior surface of mylohyoid, sublingual gland
GAP 1 =
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Morganie’s sinus
Pharyngeal raphe nie sięga tak nisko jak
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inferior pharyngeal constrictor
Trójkąt Killiana leży
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nad cricopharyngeus
trójkąt Laimera
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pod cricopharyngeus
Cassinari and Bernasconi artery to gałąź
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internal carotid a (cavernous segment) unaczynia tentorum cerebelli
Struktury które przebijaja chrząstkę w foramen lacerum
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vidian artery, deep petrosal n, lesser petrosal n
The cervical plexus składa się z
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VENTRAL spinal nerves C1-C4
The cervical plexus uneerwia
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rectus capitis anterior i lateral and longus capits
The cervical plexus oddaje phrenic nerves neuromerami
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The cervical plexus ventral branch C2 may be involved
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NOT all(poza supraclavicular) branches arising at the punctum nervosum
The cervical plexus Ventral branch C3 may be involved In
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All long nerves
C1 uczestniczy w
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superior Root of cervical ansa
Superior Root of cervical ansa
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Inferior Root of cervical ansa
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które gałęzie cervical ansa biegna najdłużej w towarzystwie hypoglossal n
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włókna do geniohyoid, do thyrohyoid dopisać
All fibers starting with the SVE column are the Only
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to form internal genicula In the brainstem TYLKO SVE genicula only
ONLY the trochlear (IV) nerve, bilateral anons of GSE column
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cross eachother before emerging from the brainstem
opthalmic nerve (V1) innervates the sinuses
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sphenoidal. frontal and ethmoidal sinuses
Maxillary n innervates the sinus
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maxillary sinus
jedyny zwój czuciowy włączony w pien mózgu
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jądro pasma sródmózgowiowego trigeminal (mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal)
NOT ALL sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve are
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dendrites of the semilunar (Gasser’s) ganglion
Z pharyngeal pouch 1 powstahe
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eustachean/audiotory tube i tympanic cavity (ona też 2)
Pharyngeal pouch III leży ... a pharyngeal pouch IV leży...
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poniżej 3 łuku a poniżej 4
Z pharyngeal pouch III powstaja
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inferior paratyhyroid gland, thymus
Z pharyngeal pouch IV powstaja
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superior paratyhyorid gland, thyroid cells c
Reissner membrane =
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vestibular membrane
paracunniculus =
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Nuel’s space
outer hair cells are arranged In
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3 – 4 rows
Inner hair cells are arranged In
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1 row
only outer cells are supported by
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by Deiter’s cells
the habenula perforata and the longitudinal Canals of modiolus are traversed by
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DENDRITES of the coclear nerve
Cunniculus externus przez przestrzenie między dieter’s cells łączy się z
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nuel’s space i cunniculus internus
Held’s cells są po ... side of Corti’s organ
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medial (internal)
Hensen’s cells są na ... side of Corti’s organ
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external (lateral)
Przez common tendinous ring przechodzi
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optic n. (II), central retinal a i v, occulomotor n. (III), cilliary ganglion wszystkie włókna, nasociliary n i cos tam, abducent n. (VI)
Trochlear n (IV) poza
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common tend ring
Bukiet riolana =
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3 mięśnie (styloglossus, stylopharyngesus, stylohyoid) 2 ligaments (stylohyoid lig i stylomandibular lig)
Riolan’s Bunch Sup to inf
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styloglossus, stylopharyngeus, stylohyoid
Który z mięśni riolan’s Bunch zstępuje najniżej
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przez pterygospinous foramen biegną
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medial pterygoid nerve, artery, vein
Crotaphiticobuccinatorium foramen zawartość
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anterior I posterior deep temporal nerve, buccal nerve masseteric nerve artery i vein,
the spinal roots of the accessory nerve XI ascend between the
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the ligamentum denticulatum and DORSAL spinal roots
stylohyloid ligament is separeted form stylohyoid muscle przez
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Alar fascia (anterior) leży
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przed prevertebral fascia
Tylne ograniczenie przestrzeni zagardłowej (retropharyngeal space)
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alar fascia
Alar fascia oddziela
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danger space od retropharyngeal space
pes anserinus major is composed of
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SVE fibers of the VII nerve
accesory phrenic nerve usually starts with the
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ansa of the nerve to subclavius
as a derivative of pharyngeal arch IV the cricothyroid muscle is innervated by
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the external branch of superior laryngeal nerve (wyjątek bo z IV)
!!! Wraz z phrenic nerve biegnie
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ascending cervical artery a w klatce perycardiophrenic
przez otwory poprzeczne wstępuje
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vertebral artery
cavernous sinus contains
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Dorello’s canal for the abducent n VI
cavernous sinus is occupied by
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cavernous segment of internal carotid a
cavernous sinus is traversed by dendrites of the ... and axons of...
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trigeminal (V) n and anons of the III, IV and VI nerves
cavernous sinus may receive
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superficial middle cerebral vein
cavernous sinus zazwyczaj oddaje
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both the superior i inferiror petrosal sinus
buccinator and masseter posiadają muscle fibers jakie?
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cruciate muscle fibers
inferior orbital fissure is closed by the
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orbitalis muscle
kolejno representatives of the first, second and third parts of the maxillary artery are the
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anterior tympanic, buccal arteries, descending palatine respectively
medial pterygoid nerve innervates both
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the tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini medial pterygoid m
from inferior to superior are positioned stylo
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stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus, styloglossus
Medial prerygoid nerve zaopatruje
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tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani, medial pterygoid m
SVA fibers originated In the fungiform papillae are denrties of the
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geniculate ganglion
B secretory fibers for the lacrimal gland are axons of the
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pterygopalatine ganglion
between two Heads of lateral pterygoid muscle usually pass both
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the buccal nerve and maxillary artery
quadratus labii superioris składa się z
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levator superioris aleaque nasi, levator labii superioris, zygomaticus MINOR
medial pterygoid m jest bezpośrednio od przodu
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parapharyngeal and carotid spaces
the deep branch of transverse cervical artery is accompanied by the
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dorsal scapular nerve
E Laimer’s and Kilian are separeted by
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A cornea’s stroma leży za ... i przed...
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za Bowman’s membrane i przed Descemet’s membrane
there are only ... long posteriori Ciliary arteries
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C the circular fibers of the Ciliary muscle a zona ciliaris
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decrease the zonula ciliaris
nasolacrimal duct starts with the ... and ends...
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lacrimal sac and ends In the inferior nasal meatus
E neither the long posteriori Ciliary arteries nor the anterior Ciliary arteries anastomose with
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the retinal artery
Rotacja wewn (intorsion) oka m
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superior oblique i superior rectus i oba bieguny tak robią
Rotacja zewnętrzna (extorsion)
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inferior oblique i inferior rectus OBA BIEGUNY
Medial rectus i lateral rectus kolejno
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czyste przywodzenie i czyste odwodzenie
perilimphatic space In the vestible is continious with
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scala vestibuli
B the postero-medial Wall of vestibule odpowiada tylko
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superior i inferior vestibular area
the basilar membrane zwęża się w kierunku
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vestibular caecum
cavum conchae is innervated by the
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auricular branch of vagus n (X)
nie ma narządu Cortiego
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kątnica przedsionkowa?
the sinus tympani is positioned among the what walls?
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jugular, mastoid and labirynthian walls
semicanal for tensor tempani leży nad
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semicanal for petrotympanic tube
C incudomallear joint to
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saddle synovial joint i posiada meniscus
tympanic membrane to stapedial base area ratio jest
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stapedial base to tympanic membrane ratio jest:
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otolithic membrane jest w maculce of utricle and saccule a nie ma jej w
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nie ma jej w ampullary crests
A przez fundus of internal acoustic meatus przechodzą
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axons of the spiral ganglia and dendrites of the vestibular ganglion
B the vestibular (Scarpa’s) ganglion is within
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within internal acoustic meatus (NOT within vestibule)
C the utriculosaccular directly joins
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the utricle and endolymphatic duct
common crus pochodzi z
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Simple crura of the anterior and posteriori semicircular duct and canals
the left posterior and the right superior Canals and ducts czy się krzyżują
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DO NOT CROSS, biegną parallely
. Przez parapharyngeal space przechodzi
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przechodzi IX, X, XI, XII, internal carotid a, internal jugular v, deep cervical lymphnodes
odpływ chłonki z języka
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koniec do podbródkowych (submental) a korzeń języka (deep cervical albo do przyżuchwowych) reszta do posterior submandibular
Retromandibular v zaczyna się
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by the junction of superficial temporal and middle temporal vein
Retromandibular v przechodzi przez
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space just medially to the parotid plexus
Retromandibular v anastomozuje z
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external jugular v
Retromandibular v Drenuje obszar zaopatrzony przez
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superficial temporal arterty
Retromandibular v indirectly empties onto
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internal jugular vein (przez facial)
Retromandibular v directly empties onto
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facial v
occipital vein nastomozuje
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external i internal jugular veins
na samym początku żyła occipital v ZAWSZE oddaje połączenia do
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internal jugular v
Zespół n auricotemporal inaczej
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zespół Lucji Frey

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