EViU | Chapters: 86-101

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to be more important, useful, or valuable than something else
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to outweigh
explain: overhanging
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sticking out over something that is at a lower level (e.g. the overhanging branches of a tree)
explain: to overshadow
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1. to prevent light from shining directly on something, 2. to make someone or something seem less important compared to someone or something else
explain: understaffed
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lacking staff
explain: underhand (adj)
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secret and dishonest (= oszukańczy, podstępny)
explain: an upturn
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a change for the better / an increase in something such as business or economic activity (e.g. Last month saw an unexpected upturn in property prices.)
to quickly increase in number or amount
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to proliferate
explain: to commiserate
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to express sympathy to someone who is unhappy about something
explain: to congeal
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if a substance such as blood or fat congeals, it becomes thick and almost solid
to replace the buildings in an area with new ones
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to redevelop
a person of low rank and little authority who works for someone more important
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an underling (e.g. She surrounded herself with underlings who were too afraid of her to answer back.)
to talk about something in a way that makes it seem more important, impressive, or serious than it really is.
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to overstate
explain: undercarriage
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the wheels of a plane/car and the whole structure that supports it (= podwozie)
on the other side of the page
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overleaf (adverb), e.g. See overleaf for a list of abbreviations.
explain the -conscious suffix
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combines w/ nouns to form adjectives that describe people who consider one aspect of their lives esp. important (e.g. health-conscious person, safety-conscious company)
explain the -minded suffix
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combines with adjectives or nouns to form new adjectives describing people with particular characters, opinions or attitudes,.e. g like-minded, money-minded, etc.
explain the -ridden suffix
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used to describe people or things with a lot of that noun, e.g. guilt-ridden person, crime-ridden city
to become red
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to redden
explain: masterly (adjective)
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done extremely well (e.g. a masterly performance)
explain: a monograph
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a long article or a short book on a single subject that the writer has studied for a long time
explain: retroactive law
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taking effect from a date in the past
explain: a guesstimate
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an approximate calculation of the size or amount of something when you do not know all the facts
to return to an older and worse state
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to retrogress [formal]
to make a government, area, or political group lose power or control, or to make a political or economic situation less strong or safe, by causing changes and problems
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to destabilise
explain: a freeware
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computer programs that you can often copy from the internet and do not have to pay for
provide a formal word for vocabulary
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a lexicon
explain: a loanword = a borrowing
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a word taken from other languages
explain: a roster
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a list of people’s names that shows when each of them must work and what they have to do (= grafik, harmonogram)
something that is intended to impress and interest you but is really not at all useful
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a gimmick
a small bed with high sides that a baby sleeps in
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cot [BrE] / crib [AmE]
explain: a palaver
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a situation that causes you a lot of unnecessary trouble or work
a disease that mainly affects children in which the neck becomes swollen and painful
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a mumps (= świnka)
explain: false friends
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words that look like words in other languages but have a different meaning
explain: to intervene
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to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it
explain: to interfere in sth
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to involve yourself in sth [negative and critical]
very frequently
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continually (often negative)
without stopping
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out of the sun, pleasant connotation
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in the shade of (e.g. a tree)
explain: in the shadow of sth/sb
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dominated by sb/sth
explain: to complement
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to make sth more complete or attractive in combination
slightly wet
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1. moist 2. damp (-> in an unpleasant way)
to move into a vertical position
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to upend
explain: to uphold
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to confirm/support
to do better than...
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to outdo
explain: to do out
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1. to make a room, cupboard, or drawer thoroughly tidy and clean, 2. to decorate a room
coś czy coś innego (ten czy inny)
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something or other
explain: dingy (adjective)
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a dingy place or object is rather dark in an unpleasant way and often looks dirty
the fact of having more than one meaning
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the work that you do to keep your house clean and tidy
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housework (= prace domowe) | don't confuse with 'homework'
someone who only wants to be your friend when things are going well for you
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fair-weather friend
light in skin colour
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what's the meaning of '5 minutes flat'?
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exactly 5 minutes
explain: be more than a match for someone
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to be better, stronger, cleverer etc than someone who you are competing against
a tall metal structure with a long horizontal part, used for lifting and moving heavy objects
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a crane (= dźwig, żuraw)
explain: five-a-side football
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po pięciu w drużynie
explain: formidable
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very impressive in size, power, or skill and therefore deserving respect and often difficult to deal with (e.g. The company has built up a formidable reputation for quality.)
przejdźmy do kolejnego punktu...
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let's move on to the next point
explain: to remember rightly
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to remember correctly/well
explain: appalling [adjective]
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shocking and very bad (e.g. Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions.)
explain: dismal [adjective]
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sad and without hope / very bad
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unpleasant and unacceptable OR tasting unpleasant (niesmaczny, wstrętny, obrzydliwy, np. żart albo film)
explain: fatuous (adjective, formal)
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explain: raise a family
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to take care of children while they are growing up (e.g. For most parents, raising a family is a positive challenge.)
a slow and non-energetic walk
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a leisurely walk
explain: doleful [adjective]
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looking sad
formal word for the things that belong to you [formal]
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personal effects
not good enough to achieve the intended result
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feeble (e.g. excuse, attempt/effort)
explain: bewildered
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confused and not certain what to do
explain: to sharpen your appetite (for sth)
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to increase your desire to have sth or know about sth
zepsuć apetyt
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spoil your appetite
make one's life brighter and happier
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to light up one's life
explain: to be on the ball
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to be very aware of things and ready to act
keep sb/sth on a tight rein
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to have a lot of control over sb/sth
to have an ability to notice something
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to have an eye for sth (e.g. She has a good eye for detail.)
explain: to have an ear for sth
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If someone has an ear for music or languages, they are good at hearing, repeating, and understanding these sounds
explain: to keep an eye on sb/sth
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watch sb/sth very carefully
what's a rule of thumb?
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a practical and approximate way of doing or measuring something (e.g. A good rule of thumb is that a portion of rice is two handfuls.)
what a bright/dim person means?
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a clever/less intelligent person
explain: to see the light
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If you see the light, you suddenly understand something you didn't understand before
explain: to cast light on sth
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to make it easier to understand
what does it mean to blow hot and cold?
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to be enthusiastic at one time and not at another
explain: hotheaded (adj)
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to react quickly on the basis of your feelings without thinking first
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without feelings
to say that someone is similar to or has the same qualities as someone else
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to liken sb/sth to sb/sth
explain: to take sth on board
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to understand or accept an idea or a piece of information (e.g. Banks need to take on board the views of their customers.)
to accept someone or something without considering whether they really are what they claim to be
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to take (or accept) sb/sth at face value
go smoothly / with no difficulties
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go/run like clockwork
on the point of starting to work well
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to fall into place
if sth is looking up, it's...
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looking very positive
explain: that's all we need/needed!
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in response to news that makes current problems even worse
That's the last thing I wanted to hear!
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in response to news that fulfill your worst fears
What a pain!
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Used very generally, in response to any situation that causes you difficulty
what's a complete shambles?
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totally disorganised and chaotic
what does this mean: "it's a mystery to me how..."
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= it's sth I cannot understand
explain: to get your wires crossed
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When people get their wires crossed, they have a different understanding of the same situation
expression: "I'm not with you"
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= you've lost me there = what you've said has confused me
explain: be in element/made for
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to be ideally suited for
to be fed up to the back teeth (with sth)
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be extremely unhappy, disappointed
what does it mean 'be down in the dumps/down in the mouth'
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to be depressed
explain: 'to walk on air'
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to feel extremely excited or happy (e.g. After the delivery of her baby, she was walking on air.)
to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else
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to associate
extreme and severe and not likely to change
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hard-line [adj] (e.g. a hard-line politician or stance)
explain: a dog's life
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very unhappy and unpleasant life
to use information or your knowledge of something to help you do something
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to draw on sth (e.g. She had a wealth of experience to draw on.) = wykorzystywać informacje, sięgać do zasobów
explain: cowboy builder
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builders who are not careful or trustworthy
what does 'ratty' mean? [adjective][BrE][informal]
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in a bad mood, or easily annoyed
explain: fishy [adjective]
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1. not completely right, honest, or legal, 2. tasting or smelling like fish
_____ words, especially speech, are unkind because they are intended to hurt someone
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improve knowledge of sth already learnt but partly forgotten
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to brush up on sth
to give an impression of being unfriendly
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to come across / come over as unfriendly
to rush into a decision
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to make a hasty decision
to propose a plan
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to put forward a plan
to happen successfully
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to come off
to travel to one place from another
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to come over from somewhere
to come over sb
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to influence sb to behave in a particular way
what does it mean to come under sth?
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experience sth [usually unpleasant]
to have to deal with (a problem or difficulty)
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to come up against sth (e.g. obstacles)
what does it mean to dwell on sth?
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to keep thinking about, usually sth unpleasant
to talk at length about sth
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to go on about sth
explain: to urge sb on
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to encourage someone to do or achieve something (e.g. The crowd was cheering and urging her on all through the race.)
to continue in a determined way
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to press on
to call sth off
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to cancel sth
to start doing sth with great energy
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to throw oneself into sth
to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new house, job, or school, and to feel comfortable and happy there
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to settle in (e.g. Once we've settled in, we'll have you over for dinner.)
to put together (e.g. a report)
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to prepare by collecting info from several sources
explain: do away with sth
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to get rid of or destroy something (e.g. The governor is proposing to do away with the state transportation department.)
mind you [spoken]
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it's a discourse maker, used to bring attention to an important point
now then [spoken]
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discourse maker, used to get people's attention when you want to ask or tell them sth
short for umbrella
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brolly [informal]
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diagonally opposite (= po przekątnej)
to take a left [AmE] - what's the BrE equivalent?
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to turn left
what's the interstate?
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it's a major motorway in the US connecting different states
AmE - an intersection; BrE -?
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a junction
to back up (a car) [AmE] - BrE?
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to reverse (a car)
freshman -> sophomore -> junior (provide BrE equivalents)
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first year -> second year -> third year (students)
to major in French [AmE] - provide BrE
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to do honours in French OR to do a French honours degree
elementary/high school [AmE] - provide BrE equivalents
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primary/secondary school [BrE]
to handle roughly, using force
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to manhandle
explain: foreman
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explain: girlie/girly
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used to describe things that girls and young women often enjoy without men, esp. involving clothes/makeup, etc.
used to describe unpleasant behaviours thought to be typical of young men in a group, esp. drinking alcohol
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what does 'disused' mean?
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no longer being used (e.g. Many disused railway tracks are now used by cyclists.)
artificial in other words
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explain: to hit the headlines
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to suddenly receive a lot of attention in the news
what are tabloid newspapers?
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a type of popular newspaper with small pages that has many pictures and short, simple reports:
behaving in a wild or strange way, especially because of strong emotions or extreme pain
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crazed (e.g. He became crazed with anger/jealousy/pain.)
provide ways to describe people who cause trouble (nouns, informal)
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thug = yob = lout
to move in a destructive way
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to rip through (e.g. town)
the tube in the body that carries air that has been breathed in from the upper end of the throat to the lungs
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a windpipe (= tchawica)
explain: be curtains for [informal]
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used for saying that someone or something will die, end, or be in serious trouble (e.g. One more mistake and it’ll be curtains for him.)
feeling extremely shocked or upset after an unpleasant experience
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explain: to attain
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1. to succeed in achieving something, especially after a lot of effort, 2. to reach a particular age, amount, or level
explain: to bestow [formal]
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to give something as an honour or present
w odniesieniu do czegoś
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by reference to sth
explain: adjoining
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next to (e.g. the garage adjoining your property)
the person who wrote this letter is the...
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not fair, or not based on any good reason
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what does it mean to rectify? [forma]
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to correct a problem or mistake, or to make a bad situation better
what does it mean to cease operations?
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to stop functioning (about a company)
the closest relative in other words is...
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the next of kin (= najbliższy krewny)
to acknowledge the receipt of sth
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to inform sb that you have received sth
asap in formal way
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at your earliest convenience
more of an explanation is needed in formal way
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further clarification is required

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