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Another major point in the discussion is...
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Section: body
Another major point in the discussion is how people perceive outdoor advertising.
In opposition (to sth)...
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Section: body
In opposition are the people who claim that digital advertising targets vulnerable audiences.
Avid/strong proponent
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Section: intro/body/conclusion
Nowadays, outdoor advertising clearly has both avid proponents and vocal adversaries.
Vocal adversary / critic
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Section: intro/body/conclusion
Nowadays, outdoor advertising clearly has both avid proponents and vocal adversaries.
My opinion is that...
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Section: body/conclusion
My opinion, however, is that a forward-looking and well-balanced approach stands a good chance of benefiting both advertisers and customers.
As of now, (...) has been a long-time companion for human beings.
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Section: intro
As of now, outdoor advertising has been a long-time companion for human beings.
Both texts discuss the topic/question from different angles/perspectives.
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Section: intro
As the first/second passage mentions/states/proposes/informs/suggests...
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Section: body
Only after the digital transformation started, as the second passage proposes, has the outdoor advertising landscape started to grow in complexity and is now the primary way of attracting customers’ attention.
While opposing the authors’ view on (...) would be misplaced...
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Section: body
While opposing the authors’ view on the history of outdoor advertising would be misplaced, my opinion is that large-scale, outdoor visuals have long been overthrown by internet-based advertising.
The former fragment informs/suggests/states/...
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Section: body
The former fragment informs that in the past, outdoor advertising was not overly complicated as it only leveraged ordinary mediums.
The author of the first/second fragment/passage argues/mentions/claims/proposes/states/suggests... that
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Section: body
Each new generation, as the author of the first text claims, is more susceptible to the magic of the cinema due to its advancements in technology.
(...) has become an increasingly compelling topic in the face of (...)
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Section: intro
Human behaviour has become an increasingly compelling topic in the face of constant change in the modern world.
While it can certainly be tackled from various angles, both texts focus on (...)
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Section: intro
While it can certainly be tackled from various angles, both texts focus on the social aspect of behavioural change, as well as its consequences.
It is my belief that...
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Section: body
It is my belief that the discrepancy in perception stems simply from being raised in different circumstances.
I find myself in full accord with (...)
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Section: body
I find myself in full accord with the author’s approach to the problem. OR I find myself in full accord with the author due to experiencing both effects firsthand.
My personal opinion is (that)...
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Section: body
My personal opinion is consistent with the author’s.
In the final analysis...
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Section: conclusion
In the final analysis, what society dictates or considers appropriate greatly impacts one’s satisfaction with life.
(...) is a (e.g. social phenomenon that has been growing in popularity for decades.
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Section: intro
Cinema is a social phenomenon that has been growing in popularity for decades.
(...) cannot be understated.
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Section: intro/body/conclusion
Its impact on human beings cannot be understated.
In conclusion (...)
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Section: conclusion
In conclusion, the cinema is here to stay, but people need to adjust to its advances.
Faced with (...),...
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Section: intro/body/conclusion
Faced with the decreasing quality of movies, cinemagoers must both learn how to effectively select movies and hope that movie studios will increasingly choose quality over quantity and art over money.
(...) has been a long-standing human companion for (e.g. hundreds of years)...
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Section: intro
Books have been a long-standing human companion for hundreds of years.
How does it affect human existence?
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Section: intro
Due to the myriad of literary genres and sub-genres, virtually anything can be found in written form. How does it affect human existence?
The first/second passage focuses on (...)
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Section: body
The first passage focuses on the change in human perception of reading at the brink of adulthood which is signified by taking their first university or college courses.
(...) has been an essential human need since the dawn of time
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Section: intro/body
Being in touch with others has been an essential human need since the dawn of time. Reading aloud certainly does satisfy it, as many other activities do.
For that reason, (...) should never be underplayed.
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Section: body/conclusion
For that reason, the importance of books in human life should never be underplayed.
(...) has been a significant element of human existence since the year dot.
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Section: intro
Music has been a significant element of human existence since the year dot.
What impact does (...) really have on our lives?
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Section: intro
What impact does music really have on our lives?
Considering the basic facts stated in the first/second passage...
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Section: body
Considering the basic facts stated in the first passage, namely that people involve different parts of the brain to perceive music, harmony, and rhythm, it should come as no surprise.
I disagree with this (...) due to (...)
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Section: body
Furthermore, one of the authors suggests that any music genre has an equal chance of enhancing one’s potential. I disagree with this statement simply due to the variability in music’s complexity.
Based on personal experience and observation, (...)
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Section: body
Based on personal experience and observation, I find myself in full agreement with the author. It is not uncommon to spot people smiling, crying, or bonding with the use of musical accompaniment.
Since the dawn of time, (...) has been an indispensable component of human life.
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Section: intro
Since the dawn of time, food has been an indispensable component of human life.
(...) touches the very core of human existence.
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Section: intro/conclusion
In summary, it is obvious that food touches the very core of human existence.
be indicative of...
być przejawem czegoś, świadczyć o czymś, wskazywać na coś
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Section: body
It argues that home-made meals are more than a match for ready-made food. Not only are they considered healthier, tastier, and more satisfying overall, but they are also considered more suitable for guests because they are indicative of hospitality.
While calling (...) into question would be misplaced,...
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Section: body
While calling any of these points into question would be misplaced, in my opinion, the author failed to acknowledge the time-saving quality of ready meals in the world of omnipresent busyness.
I personally feel that...
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Section: body/conclusion
I personally feel that a mix-and-match approach with consideration of all the above-mentioned elements stands a good chance of resulting in a wholesome eating regimen.
One major weakness in the writer's argument is that...
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Section: body/opinion
One major weakness in the writer's argument is that no practicable application of the aforementioned method has an established track record.
One area which the writer seems to have overlooked is...
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Section: body
One thing the writer fails to mention is...
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Section: body
Why should you use cohesive devices?
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To link thoughts, improve the flow and readability.
Examples: as of now, however, such as, on the other hand, etc.
Why use transitional phrases?
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To make your essay more cohesive and easier to read
Examples: in opposition are, coupled with, in comparison, in contrast, for this reason for this purpose, as a result, etc.
Make use of negative conditionals
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unless / if not
Unless a practicable solution to the problem is found, society will suffer progressively in the coming years.
One of the perspectives depicts the image that...
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Section: body
A somewhat contrasting perspective on X emphasises that...
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Section: body
Another of the presented opinions indicates that...
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Section: body
How to best start each body paragraph?
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Make use of topic sentences
The first sentence in each body paragraph should be the longest and most meaningful sentence which describes the essence.
The two fragments express complementary/contrasting views on the (debated) issue of...
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Section: intro
The two fragments express contrasting views on the debated issue of school exams.
The first excerpt/passage/fragment outlines the benefits/drawbacks of...
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Section: body
The fragment sheds light on the issue/topic of...
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Section: body
Both writers seem to agree that..., where their ideas deviate however is on the topic of...
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Section: body
The first/second passage puts forward the idea that...
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Section: body
While I am generally in agreement with the majority of the first writer’s points the obvious hole in their argument is...
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Section: opinion
Were I to pick holes in the writer’s arguments, I would start by pointing out that...
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Section: opinion
The writer seems to have gone overboard in their praise/criticism of...
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Section: body/opinion

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