словарь польский - английский

język polski - English

zaczepiać на английском языке:

1. tease tease

dont tease the annimals
Don't tease him about his weight - it's cruel.
He doesn't want to go to school because other children tease him.
Once, at a party, I overheard a rude man tease Gerald about his taste in women.
"Why do you tease her every time you see her?" "He teased the dog and it bit him." "This woman is clearly teasing you."
Mark: Yeah, you know, whereas girls aren’t going to tease each other about their names.
She's a tease.

Английский слово "zaczepiać«(tease) встречается в наборах:

słówka na 18.11
School and college
Szkoła i studia