словарь польский - английский

język polski - English

wyższość на английском языке:

1. superiority

I'll bet it gives her a feeling of superiority to be so beautiful.
I admit her superiority to others.
For, warm and delightful, was a secret knowledge of superiority.
Even in the photo, he gave off an air of superiority. But the superiority of the high culture was never in question.
You can't demonstrate your superiority like that. It's rude.
Women are systematically degraded by receiving the trivial attentions which men think it manly to pay to the sex, when, in fact, men are insultingly supporting their own superiority.
The most perfect ape cannot draw an ape; only man can do that; but, likewise, only man regards the ability to do this as a sign of superiority.

Английский слово "wyższość«(superiority) встречается в наборах:

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