словарь польский - английский

język polski - English

ratownik на английском языке:

1. lifeguard lifeguard

He works as a lifeguard.
I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool.
The lifeguard saw that a boy was in trouble in the pool and dived in to rescue him.
The lifeguard did everything he could to help that woman
The lifeguard patrolled the beach, making sure all the swimmers were safe.
He works as a lifeguard at the beach in the summer.
The lifeguard is ever ready to help others.

Английский слово "ratownik«(lifeguard) встречается в наборах:

Praca (zawody, warunki pracy, rynek pracy, inne)
przymiotniki opisujące pracę i praca dorywcza
str. 68 (be at work- wages)
New Matura Success Upper Intermediate, Unit 8
10 sport vocabulary part 1

2. rescuer

Английский слово "ratownik«(rescuer) встречается в наборах:

7 - podróżowanie i turystyka (słownictwo) cz. 3
Fiszki z książki - "At the Black Rocks" (Edward A....
ostatnia kartkówka ze słowek kl 3
Ania słówka klasa 6 dział 2
Angielski wordlist Focus 3 - Unit 5

3. rescue worker

The most respected professionals are members of the armed forces, followed by rescue workers.

Английский слово "ratownik«(rescue worker) встречается в наборах:

Voices 2 Student's Book - Unit 5
The Chilean Mine Rescue
Lesson 8 - 08.11.2021
natural disasters nouns 2.7

4. paramedic

The paramedics provide pre-hospital medical care.
Joe used to be a paramedic.

Английский слово "ratownik«(paramedic) встречается в наборах:

one dies one lives
słownictwo rozdział 3
Praca podstawa Macmillan
slownictwo unit 6
rozdział piąty

5. lifesaver

Your offer is a life-saver.
I can't leave this to others. I'm no lifesaver but if I don't help her myself....

Английский слово "ratownik«(lifesaver) встречается в наборах:

Total English Advanced 6-8
Lesson - 20.09.2022
Upper-intermediate 1

6. emergency worker

Английский слово "ratownik«(emergency worker) встречается в наборах:

high Note 3 unit 9